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Wearing W for Winston's Wish


winstons wish

Wigs, wellies, Windsor Castle and even a washing machine were just some of the most amazing outfits donned by supporters on a fundraising Wear W Day.

Child bereavement charity Winston's Wish raised awareness of the support it offers to children who have lost a parent, sibling or carer, by encouraging people to ditch their uniforms and dress up as something beginning with its initials.

"Wear W Day isn't your average dress down day," said Winston's Wish regional fundraising and events manager, Sophie Birch.

"By wearing W, companies, schools and individuals all over the UK have brought hope to grieving children whilst getting creative."

Supporters from across the country each donated £1 to take part in the charity's #WearWDay. Creative costume themes included Walker's Crisps, Arsene Wenger, someone dressed as Whatsapp, and even Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle

windsor castle Wear W costumes at Prestige Finance included this take on Windsor Castle (Winston's Wish/Twitter)

Wagon Wheel

wagon wheel Sam, who works on the helpline team at Winston's Wish, went to work dressed as a Wagon Wheel (Winston's Wish/Twitter)

Washing machine

washing machine outfit A fundraiser from Active Auto Solutions dressed as a washing machine (Winston's Wish/Twitter)

Team effort

the team from winston's Wish The team from Winston's Wish in their fancy dress outfits (Winston's Wish/Twitter)

  • Visit to find out how it could support your family after a bereavement and to find out how you could fundraise for the charity.
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