Salisbury Funeral Directors


There are 11 funeral directors in Salisbury to support the needs of local bereaved families and individuals. These range from national and local chains to small independent firms, all experienced at working to provide for the needs of clients. Funeral Guide members will have their price clearly listed, and you can click on their profile to view funeral services and reviews of the funeral home.

The population within Salisbury is largely Christian, with over 50 per cent of the population stating Christianity as their faith. There are more than 19 churches of different denominations serving the community within Salisbury as a result. Slightly more than 30 per cent of citizens describe themselves as having no religious faith. As a result, funeral directors in Salisbury are adept at meeting the needs of those seeking a secular or Humanist service.

The area is served by Salisbury Crematorium on the outskirts of the city. This encompasses the London Road Cemetery. Together the two facilities offer memorials and burials. The Devizes Road Cemetery, also in Salisbury, is now closed to full earth burials.

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