Christine Richards (7 Jun 1947 - 27 Feb 2015)

Donate in memory of

£23.50 + Gift Aid of £2.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Bramcote Crematorium Coventry Lane Stapleford NG9 3GJ
12th Mar 2015
Open map


In loving memory of the late Christine Richards who sadly passed away on 27th February 2015.Christine was born on the 7th June 1947 to Agnes and Royce Flint becoming their second child in Mansfield Nottingham, In April 1967 Christine gave birth to her first daughter Lynne followed in January 1969 with her second daughter Carole, Later that year Chris made the move from Mansfield to start fresh in Nottingham and in November 1970 Chris gave birth to her son Terry. Chris was a single parent doing any job to provide for her children until in 1981 she met and married Brian, in march 2005 Brian passed away leaving Chris alone so the family all stepped in to help her not be alone at first her oldest grandchild Matthew moved in and spent 7 years living with his nan after matt moved out another grandchild Stuart moved in and when Chris became ill in 2014 Stuart became her carer with other family members filling in all the spaces. After a few times in and out of hospital 2014/2015 her illness had got worse and on the 27th February Chris could not fight anymore.

Carrie-Ann Richards lit a candle
Terry Richards lit a candle
Terry Richards donated £10 in memory of Christine

Happy 68th birthday mum
With all our love and kisses your son Terry, daughter in law carrie, and Cameron, Bret, Tyler, And Carla x x x

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Offline donation: Collection at Bramcote Crematorium donated in memory of Christine
carole dawson wrote

I can't believe that it's been a week today since we said goodbye to u x x missing you so much x love u mum x

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Terry Richards wrote

Happy mothers day mumsie
Your were taken away from us only two weeks ago i hope you enjoy your party in heaven while looking down on us
RIP mum x x

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Lee Swain lit a candle
Lee Swain wrote

Im so sorry for ur loss

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Carrie-Ann Richards wrote

U r now at peace nows the time to get the rest u well deserve with all the pain been taken away from u.
We will all be ok we no u will be watching over us to help us when we do something wrong to brighten our day when we r down.
We will all miss u dearly we love u so much
We will be thinking of u everyday love u so much xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Bret Richards wrote

Rip nanna you will allways be in my heart and you will be greatly missed.

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Cameron Richards wrote

Nanna chris i will miss you

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Bret Richards lit a candle
Cameron Richards lit a candle
Carrie-Ann Richards posted a picture
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  • Ur face said everything with this on x lovely day x

    Posted by Carrie-Ann on 12/03/2015 Report abuse
  • One

    Posted by Carrie-Ann on 12/03/2015 Report abuse
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Carrie-Ann Richards posted a picture
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  • Was a happy day that day x

    Posted by Carrie-Ann on 12/03/2015 Report abuse
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Carrie-Ann Richards posted a picture
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  • Wish u got to see this u would of loved it x

    Posted by Carrie-Ann on 12/03/2015 Report abuse
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Stuart Preston posted a picture
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Lynne preston lit a candle
Demi McCartney wrote

Today is the day we lay you to rest. You were such an inspirational lady to me and Skye Louise. You will be dearly miss by everyone but never forgot by all x we love you, Demi and Skye x

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marshall dawson is attending the funeral
Joshua Dawson wrote

Nanna you where taking away from us far to early im sorry i never got to say a proper good bye you will always be in my heart and memory love you loads xx Rest In Paradise

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Joshua Dawson is attending the funeral
adam dawson is attending the funeral
adam dawson wrote

R.I.P nanna you will be sadly missed and goodbye from adam and zoe.
Also R.I.P great nanna love from kyra layton deacon liam and lacey

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Shannon Preston lit a candle
adam dawson lit a candle
marshall dawson wrote

Chris (mum) I know I wasn't your favourite son in law at first but you grew to love me as I did you even though we had our ups and downs like all in law's do but we had what you always said jokingly was a love hate relationship you loved to hate me lol anyway you will be very sorely missed by us all especially me carole and your grandsons matt Adam and josh and all of your great grandchildren we will always love and miss you very much xx

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Terry Richards posted a picture
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marshall dawson lit a candle
Terry Richards is attending the funeral