Rest in peace Auntie Maggie xx
Maggie Bacon (14 Oct 1941 - 31 Dec 2024)
Donate in memory of
MaggieHavens Hospices

Funeral Director
In loving memory of Maggie Bacon who sadly passed away on 31st December 2024
lit a candle
is attending the funeral
lit a candle
lit a candle
posted a picture

Always and forever x ❤️


Another good night singing and dancing with the Noakes' ❤️🎵🍾

Club tropicana hot tub memories with Linda❤️🍾❤️

Sisters sisters..🎵🎵 . Singing their signature song laughing as always x


Costa del Bacon loving 💙❤️

Camping fun with both sides of the family x...p in my blood 💙

Mum and Fletch xx ❤️💙

My world x

The best there was ❤️💙

Happy times with the Bacon xx ❤️❤️

Enough love for all the children with her darling Great nephews xx Tom, Ted and Fletch xx

Aww mum with cousin Wendy xx ❤️❤️

❤️💙 x

Boat trip with Uncle den and Aunty Carol x

Fun times with Aunty Carol ❤️❤️

Aww with Aunty Carol ❤️ x

With lovely Linda Smith as a bubba xx ❤️

Such a beauty x ❤️

Danny and Sandy.. Grease hahah x


Torquay 1964 so many wonderful memories and holidays with Aunty Carol and Uncle Den xx

Awww look at them x with Aunty Carol xx

Always loved the sun xx 1964 Torquay

Mumma 1964 ❤️

Torquay 1964 so many wonderful memories and holidays with Aunty Carol xx

2 beauties Mum and Aunty Carol Torquay 1964 xx

2 beauties With Aunty Carol xx 1964 Torquay x

Awww So many wonderful memories and holidays with Aunty Carol back in the day xx

Torquay 1964 so many wonderful memories and holidays with Aunty Carol xx

Happy Costa del Bacon memories xxx


Forever love ❤️

With the lovely Sue on mums 80th Birthday, beautiful flowers x

Bacon bump ❤️

Baby Bacon cooking up nicely ❤️

Besties xx Linda and mum xx Another fun time away x

Keeeep dancing x

Beauty in the sun x

Life of a film star what a beauty x

Don't know where I get my cheeky side from lol x both sides to be fair lol x

With her darling Brother Danny xx ❤️

Happy times with the Ducks and the Bacons xx

We had so many great parties with maggie always dancing with the kids or doing Tina turner with Linda xx

We were also laughing 😆 xx

Beast from the East fun snow day xx 😘 so many great memories

Cheese toasties at chalkwall park with the camper van in the summer x. Linda and Maggie would have their glass of wine x x

Maggie and me 1965! Lovely memories xxx

Aww lovely Maggie many years ago!

Beautiful ladies ❤️❤️❤️




special memories always ❤️❤️❤️

Lovely auntie Maggie beautiful soul with a heart of gold such a happy gentle lady ❤️❤️❤️

Linda took this when her and mum sat in the shade one summers day in Leigh .. bless her heart ❤️❤️

Campervan fun in Brighton

Another happy Bacon Christmas ❤️💙

Beautiful inside and out❤️

Hot tub besties x



Connected forever ❤️

She held on for my 50th Birthday as I thought she would and still sang me Happy Birthday xx ❤️💔

She would always tell me to keep smiling and have a good day and as hard as that now is I will try and hold that in mind x


Campervan fun

My world, my mumma

Fanny galore hilarious afternoon tea at the cliffs x

Covid Mothers day memories x

Good old Bacon Christmas x

Little summer camper van trips out x

60 years of love and laughter x

We loved Christmas x

When I got mum on the cocktails lol x

Birthday memories x

Another lodge more memories made x


Roslin christmas afternoon tea

Roslin christmas memories

Always had me safe and loved x❤️

With the lovely Linda and Rita always dancing ❤️

Always so glam ❤️

Covid pampering


Mr and Mrs Costa del sol

He always had her in his arms ❤️ fun in the sun

Road trips ❤️

With the beautiful Linda and Minnie 3 of the best ❤️❤️❤️

Best friends ❤️❤️

Pompei and herculaneum memories when we travelled all around Italy one of our final holidays together as a 3

With the lovely Lesley x

Happy Mothers Day covid pandemic do your best !

A good old Bacon Christmas at nan and pops ohh those were the days x

Ohh how i miss that beautiful lady x


With the beautiful Linda and Rita always on the dance floor

How she loved my little terrace

Costa del Home memories ❤️

Forever glam was my mumma ❤️

The Bacons do Amalfi ❤️

She loved her eastenders .. pie n Mash with "fatboy" and Auntie Annie xx

We always loved our Christmas get togethers , she loved wearing her Christmas hat xxx ❤️❤️

Nan and pop Bacon mums mother and father in law reunited once again after so long, who she idolised and they made her feel so loved and part of their family straight away. ❤️💙

Water babies both of us ❤️❤️

Baby Bacon ❤️❤️

Hot tub lodge fun

2 peas ❤️❤️

When darling Jan a.k.a Billy Joe Bob lol came to Spain aww they loved having you there and knew how much of an amazing friend you still are to me xx ❤️

Thankyou very much cinema days

We're going to the zoo zoo zoo.❤️



Always felt so safe and loved ❤️❤️

Just the 3 of us and so much love ❤️💙❤️

Costa Del Loving 💙❤️

Covid break away

Always up for having fun ❤️

Christmas was always the best time of year for us shall miss this the most ❤️💙❤️

We loved our pie and Mash. Remembering darling dad x

Covid we still made the memories

Always smiling and dancing ❤️❤️

Covid cheese scones ❤️

Mothers day is every day and covid didn't stop me !!

Mums "I see you baby shaking that asssss " lol 🤣❤️

Costa del Bacon loving 💙❤️

God how they both made me laugh.. the best there is ❤️💙

The covid crew nothing stopped us making memories the best friends x

Love and laughter in Amalfi ❤️❤️

AMALFI 💙❤️ our trip all over Italy making memories together

True love does exist and never dies .. reunited again in heaven ❤️💙

Not sure I was that impressed hahaha

Year and years of happy memories ❤️❤️

Happy times with Den and Freda in Murcia xx ❤️❤️

With her darling "brother Den" ❤️❤️

With her second daughter Lorraine ❤️❤️

With her darling sister in law Freda so many great memories xx ❤️❤️

Nothing stopped us not even Covid and I'm glad I kept her so safe as we didn't know she was poorly ❤️

With her darling sister in law Carol and beautiful niece Nicky x

When the Bacons met the Ducks xx ❤️❤️

Darling Doll Ron and my lovely parents x Dad's favourite aunt ❤️

Mum Sheila and Aunty Joan ❤️❤️

Together again in heaven xx ❤️❤️💙

With some of the Bacon Family good times xx

With her great niece the beautiful Carly x ❤️

My darling nephew Bob was a West ham footballer and he is TOP in FIFA .. he works so hard and is on the tele .. always so proud ha ha and told the world bless her xx

With her darlings.. Teresa, Bob and Kevin xx

With her great niece and nephew 💙❤️ Issy and Rowan xx

Together again my 3 most special people ❤️❤️💙 loved them all dearly x

With her darling nieces Wendy and Nicky she loved you girls ❤️❤️

With her darling sister Annie, my godmother the best .. they were so close xx

The good old days with family and friends out on the town xx

Aww she loved her twin girls Teresa and Elaine, always spoilt their Aunty Maggie and mum over the years. So many happy memories as she watched them grow x

Darling Issy and Rowan . Always happy spending time with the children and ofcourse painting nails x💙❤️

Keep dancing up in heaven as u always did ❤️💙

With her 2 darling sister in laws Aunty Linda and Aunty Freda x ❤️❤️

Aww special times xx ❤️❤️

4/3/61 when mum became a Bacon ❤️

Aunty Alison and darling nephew Dan xx ❤️💙

Her second family the Bacons xx ❤️❤️❤️

Her darling nephew Neil a.k.a Ronaldo 💙💙xx

Aww good times surprise Ruby do xx

Aww with a uncle Ken dad's youngest brother and like a brother to mum x

All the Breen's apart from uncle Joey who is still with us, together again xxx ❤️❤️❤️

Aww special times with mumma and darling Jackie xx ❤️❤️

Mum and Jackie ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lorraine like another daughter to mum, so alike and loved each other so much x❤️❤️❤️

Her darling Col god bless 2 of the best ❤️❤️

2 amazing women enjoying their apple turnovers again painting their nails ❤️❤️ darling Minnie xx

True friends ❤️💙❤️

Darling Linda and Frank x happy times ❤️💙❤️

Happy times with the darling Hills ❤️❤️❤️


My we were blessed with 2 of the best .. so many happy memories ❤️❤️

The best two friends anyone could ever ask for.. there every step of the way till the end .. 43 years of friendship and happy memories.. girls and darling Frank I can never thank you all enough.. she loved you all so much as do I ❤️❤️❤️

Tony ❤️💙

With her darling Tony again, more like a brother than a nephew 💙❤️

All together again the Breens ❤️❤️

Oh she loved her Col, Joe Kerry and all their beautiful family as did dad... True friendship.. met in Spain and shared so much love and laughter over the years.. thank you for those times meant the world to them both xx

Our darling Linda❤️❤️ what a true best friend to have. There every step of the way right till the last day.. forever thankful and so many happy memories ohh she loved you all so muchxx

Another holiday I'm sure ❤️💙

And then there was me ❤️❤️ so blessed x

Aww they were the best 💙❤️

Wedding Day 4/3/61 Awww ❤️💙

Singing again back in heaven I'm sure ❤️

Good times with loving family ❤️

Baby Bacon bun in the oven .. why thankyou 😜❤️

Not many find their soul mate but they certainly did The courting years 💙❤️ late 50s early 60s

Young love.. a love that never ended 60 years before they were parted but together again ... late 1950s ..❤️💙

Twitwoo Aunty Alison, mum and our dearly parted Aunty Joan .. look at them legs ❤️ good times I'm sure x

The jetsetters.. always loved a holiday. Uncle Den and Aunty Freda so many happy memories together xx

All together again ❤️❤️ Her darling Sister Annie, my they were so close and our darling Great Aunt Doll, who mum also idolised xx God bless them all, 3 amazing and strong ladies all so missed xx

All together again in heaven she loved her brother Danny so much x ❤️💙💙

Nan and Grandad Breen back with their youngest again x

United with her darling parents,my grandparents once again ❤️💙

Always loved her nieces, nephews and greats x children would gravitate to mum always and I know why ❤️ she had enough love for everyone my mum x

When in Rome ... 💙❤️❤️


Work it baby work it ❤️

Always happy ❤️💙

Costa del Bacon ❤️

Always happy when the sun was shining ❤️💙

The Bacons ❤️❤️❤️


Forever my queen x ❤️

Costa del Baco ❤️💙 such happy times x

Costa del Bacon memories 💙❤️

Soul mates back together once again x ❤️💙

What I wouldn't do for one more hug ❤️🤗💔




Hope your singing once again x

Until you hold me in your arms once again x ❤️

Costa del Bacon memories x ❤️

True love never dies, 2 of the best x ❤️💙

2 peas in a pod forever connected and back together once again x❤️

