James Frederick Berkeley Frost (5 Nov 1986 - 5 Dec 2024)

For Charitable
Donations To

Air Cadet Charity

Funeral Director

St Peter's Church The Square Dunchurch CV22 6PE
17th Jan 2025
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James Frederick Berkeley Frost

Passed away suddenly on December 5th aged 38.
A beloved son to the late Kevin and Patricia, brother to Alexandra (Albert) and uncle to Nico and Leo. He will be desperately missed.
The funeral will take place at St Peter’s Church, Dunchurch at 11:00 am on the 17th of January.
No flowers by request. Donations in memory of Kevin for the Air Cadet Charity may be sent to Walton and Taylor, Funeral Directors, 16 Railway Terrace, Rugby, CV21 3EW, telephone 01788 543008 www.waltonandtaylor.co.uk/donate

Gillian Morrison wrote

So very sorry to hear that James had died. Difficult to comprehend. I last saw him at his Grandfather’s, (my uncle) Funeral. He was his usual charming self, and I am just so sorry. My sincere condolence to Alex and all the family.

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Dee Mills wrote

I am shocked and so sad to hear of James' passing. Whenever I happened upon him on a walk etc, he was always so smiley, enthusiastic and interested in how I was. He was a gorgeous boy as long I have known him and always hoped he'd be popping out of the house at the same time I'd be walking the dog so I'd have the pleasure of conversing with him.
The world is worse off for him not being in it.
Sending all my love

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Wayne Urquhart wrote

James, Our brief conversation of how you would bring a stone back from the countries you
visited to place with your Mum has always remained with me. A good heart and good son.

My sincere condolences Alex.

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Judith Raper wrote

Some lovely photos of you both here, Alex, and of your beautiful Mum. I am so very sorry that James has died. You are in my thoughts, Alex, sending you much love.

Even before he learned any actual
words, James always loved to engage in conversation and his story telling was so expressive and full of fun; I will always remember that with fondness.

And, more recently, James was such a kind and thoughtful young man who cared for his father so attentively during his final illness; his Mum would be so incredibly proud of the man James became.

James, I always remember you when I hear the fireworks on your birthday, and I always will. And I shall recall, with a smile and word for word, the little ditty that Alexandra composed about you when you were born!

Rest easy, James, I pray for you eternal peace.



  • I would love to know the words to this little ditty, lol! I don’t remember this. X

    Posted by Alex on 14/01/2025 Report abuse
  • I have written it in a card for you xx

    Posted by Judith on 15/01/2025 Report abuse
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Ralph & Daphne Frost posted a picture
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Alex DINATALE posted a picture
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Alex DINATALE posted a picture
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Alex DINATALE posted a picture
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Alex DINATALE posted a picture
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Robert carr wrote

A true gentleman with a heart of gold, he will be missed by all that had the pleasure of meeting him. Rest In Peace Old Friend.

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Ralph & Daphne Frost wrote

We feel so saddened that his life should end at such a young age. Our memories are of a happy child and charming, polite and confident young man. He will be sadly missed by all.

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