Walter Hart (25 May 1948 - 29 May 2024)

Funeral Director

Thames View Crematorium Gravesend Road Shorne, Gravesend DA12 3JH
18th Jul 2024
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In loving memory of Walter Hart who sadly passed away on 29th May 2024

Jemma Hart lit a candle
Charlotte Hart lit a candle
Chay Luchford wrote

Such a giant of a man with the kindest heart and an eye for a treasure where ever he went. Very Sadly missed. Rest in peace Wally.

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Orchid Memories lit a candle
Lauren 🤍 wrote

Love you pops 🤍..

Just wish I could come sit with you one last time, hear you voice, your jokes or even just see your face 💔 you always made everything feel better 💔

Miss you more than your ever know!! Sleep tight my hero 🤍love you forever always & a day 💔🫶

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Tyler lit a candle
Lauren Oake 🤍 wrote

I love you my pops 🫶🤍

I’d give the world just for you fo call me one more time, to watch you play with Bon’s winding us all up like you did, share one more cake and here one more silly comment/joke 💔..

You was the best man their ever was!! And I was so lucky to be your granddaughter 💔

Never felt so heartbroken! Just wish we could have you back!

I love you my angel, always & a day! sleep tight 🤍
Your favourite 🤍

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  • We all miss him Lauren don’t feel right with out grandad/dad.

    Posted by Charlotte on 25/06/2024 Report abuse
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Tara Warner wrote

Well dad it’s been 3 weeks with out you and every day seems like I’ve lost you all over again . I ask my self why take our dad what did he do to any one ? Nothing . He was the funniest chattiest man and sometimes es grumpy man there ever was . We all had the pleasure of calling you our dad , our super hero . I would give everything I had just to be able to have just a few more hours with you to tell you everything I never got chance to , but most of all I’d tell you just how much I loved you . I’m not looking forward to the final goodbye dad as that will be it right now I no where you are but after the 18th that’s it . Everyday that passes is a day closer to our final goodbye .
Till we meet again dad I love you and I’ll see you soon xx

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Vicky Hart wrote

On this first Father’s Day without you has been tough the worse pain I have ever felt
I miss your smile I miss your laugh I MISS YOU DAD you have left my heart hurting you left me feeling empty I found my self today sat out side were your laying to rest just so I could be a little close to you why did god have to take the best

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Isaac Hart lit a candle
Nathan Hart lit a candle
Nathan Hart wrote

Everyday of my life I called you wally , alright wally how ya doing wally and you always laughed and smiled what I would give today to hear you laugh like that again . But this Father’s Day is different and today I’m not calling you wally . I’m calling you what you were the best dad the best father and my best friend . So happy Father’s Day dad I miss you with every beat of my heart.

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Charlotte Hart wrote

To my dad on father day
The. Pain that I’m feeling
Never will go away
I wished I could visit heaven
If only for a day
I know that you would hold me.
And. Whisper in my ear
Don’t think of me as gone away
Because I’m always near
I know you in a better. Place
Where. Your at peace and. Free
To be happy in eternal life
And still watch over me
Although the. Doors between. Our worlds
Is closed and we’re apart
Until the time god open it
Your all ways in my heart.

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Lauren Oake 🤍 wrote

I love you pops 💔

I’d have laid beside you stroking your hair forever given half the chance… what I’d give to hear one more silly joke, see your smile or hear your laugh 💔

Don’t think anything will ever fix the broken feeling I have since you’ve gone 💔 you always made everything feel so much better & now the pain won’t go away 💔

You really was my hero, our hero, the best man to ever walk this earth 😪

Why you? Why did they have to take you 💔

Goodnight for now pops, I love you always 🫶
Your favourite trouble 🤍

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Tara Warner wrote

“When I was a child, all problems had ended with a single word from my father. A smile from him was sunshine, his scowl a bolt of thunder. He was smart, and generous, and honorable without fail. He could exile a trespasser, check my math homework, and fix the leaky bathroom sink, all before dinner. For the longest time, I thought he was invincible. Above the petty problems that plagued normal people. And now he was gone.” – Rache

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Wayne Hart wrote

Dad not a day goes by where I don’t think of you you made me the man I am today they broke the mould when you was made you was one of a kind you’re stupid jokes and you’re funny ways don’t think the hole in my heart. You have left will ever be complete again I love you always dad rip my hero love always dad 💙💙

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  • This is so true Wayne , he was one in a billion . There was nobody like him and there never will be . They say time is a healer but the past 16 days I’ve not felt no healing all I’ve felt is heart break xx

    Posted by Tara on 14/06/2024 Report abuse
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Jodie lit a candle
Charlotte Hart lit a candle
Charlotte Hart wrote

There. Is no one else. On this earth
As special as you were to me.
I hold you for ever my. Precious dad
In my heart and memory
You made me laugh every single day
You really were the. Best
And even though your not here
The time we had was blessed
I wished I had just one more chance
To see that tender smile
To laugh with you again my dad
Just for a little while
So this is not goodbye
And this is not goodnight
Because you still here bye my side
Holding on to me. So tight

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Lauren 🤍 wrote

I miss you pop more than words can say 💔
Bonnie asked where you were today, granny told her your with the angels! But my god do I wish you was here with us sharing cakes, being silly and winding her up and playing silly buggers together like you always did 💔

They don’t know how Lucky they are up there to have you with them 💔

I hope you r up there pain free, with nanny & grandad the horses and racing your tractors on the farm like you said you was going to 🤍

Sleep tight pops, I love you forever, always & a day 🫶🤍

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Charlotte lit a candle
Charlotte Hart wrote

Miss you so much dad. U been gone over a week now. Not a day goes bye where. I wished u was. Here. Love u dad.

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Tara Warner wrote

I grieve for you
I long for you
I miss you
I need you
I love you
I think of you
I talk to you
I want you
Every day is just so hard with out you .
Why did you have to go

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Billy-jay Warner lit a candle
Lauren 🤍 wrote

If love could have saved you pops, I would have had you living forever 💔 everything feels numb since you’ve gone; nothing makes sense! You was the most important man in my life, your jokes, your phone calls, your wind up ways, if won’t be the same without you 😪 your little wind up buddy Bonnie ain’t going to know what to do when she comes to granny’s next to share her bakery buys with you and granny 💔 but I promise we will have another cream cake together, just you wait and see! I’ll treasure your voicemail forever 🤍

The only solace in all of this is your now pain free, god you put up a fight & you kept us all on our toes till the last second! I’ll never forget your funny wind up ways, your smile, your silly games you played & I’ll never forget that even at the end you didn’t think of yourself you was more worried about granny & showing your love for her 💔😪

The best man there was! Miss you so so much!

I love you my pops, always, forever & a day sleep tight 💔
Your favourite 🤍

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Vicky Hart wrote

Miss you more and more dad
Over a week with out you still don’t seem real

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Tara Warner wrote

Another day without you dad , people say time heals well no time is gonna heal my broken heart trust me . I miss u more and more every day dad xx

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Jemma Hart lit a candle
Jack Warner lit a candle
Maureen Hodges wrote

RIP Wally you will be so missed by family and all that knew you heaven has gained an Angel that will keep them laughing with his funny sense of humour and stories x

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  • He sure is missed

    Posted by Charlotte on 15/06/2024 Report abuse
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