Robert Chadwick (20 Feb 1945 - 27 Jul 2023)

Funeral Director


In loving memory of Robert Chadwick who sadly passed away at the Queens Medical Centre on 27th July 2023. For full funeral details please contact family members. No flowers at the funeral but donations to be collected for the ward at QMC who gave him care and kindness in his last weeks of life. For the funeral service 'come as you are', no dress code. No small children at the service but all are welcome at the celebration of life afterwards

Neil Bradshaw lit a candle
Deb Shepherd lit a candle
Elizabeth Naylor lit a candle
Catherine Palmer lit a candle
Tammy Lewis lit a candle
Alan, Kim & Holly Chadwick lit a candle
Terry&Maureen Lambert lit a candle
Lynda Lane lit a candle
Ron and Kate Purdy lit a candle
Tania Sherwood lit a candle
Clare Newton lit a candle
Julie Sharp lit a candle
Sharon Johnson lit a candle
Carol Chadwick lit a candle
Carol Chadwick posted a picture
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