There’s a great range of funeral directors operating in the Shrewsbury area. You will be able to find all of the different services that suit both traditional and contemporary needs with these directors. A large number of funeral directors in Shrewsbury have been operating in the area for many years and have built up a good reputation. You will quickly find that the services available in Shrewsbury offer great tailored services that can be made to fit the client’s needs and wishes. The Funeral Guide aims to help everyone have a clear and well-informed journey when finding the right funeral director for them.
Funeral Directors Shrewsbury
WRR Pugh & Son Funeral Directors
133 Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, SY3 7DN0 reviewsIndependent Funeral Directors in Coleham, Shrewsbury
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Co-op Funeralcare, Shrewsbury
196 Monkmoor Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 5BH117 reviewsReviewed 10 months agoCo-op Funeralcare, Shrewsbury is an ethical and member owned funeral director, serving bereaved families in Shrewsbury and the surrounding area with care, respect and clarity.
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Grindall's of Wem
40 Aston St, Shrewsbury, SY4 5AU0 reviewsIndependent fourth generation family run funeral directors in Shropshire providing funeral care to Wem and the surrounding area
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Clive Pugh Funeral Directors
95 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6BD0 reviewsA caring independent funeral service supporting families in Shrewsbury, Shropshire and mid-Wales when they are bereaved
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Frank Painter & Sons
Spring Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY1 2TF0 reviewsIndependent family funeral directors in Shrewsbury serving bereaved families with bespoke funeral arrangements.
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Robin Hilditch
5 Gravels Bank, Shrewsbury, SY5 0HG0 reviews0 milesestimate -
Aubrey Kirkham Funeral Directors, Shrewsbury
Frankwell Island, New St, Shrewsbury, SY3 8JN0 reviews0 milesestimate -
EH Owen Funeral Directors
87 Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 4EE0 reviews0 milesestimate
Find a Funeral Director in Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury has many funeral directors within the local area, all of which offer a great service. Our directory will help you to find funeral directors in Shrewsbury which can be sorted by location. Our site offers you convenience during these tough times. Our listings provide detailed listings that provide information on services offered by each of the locations. We provide help that will allow you to find the right funeral director for you in Shrewsbury.
Shrewsbury Funeral Services
Funeral directors in Shrewsbury will be able to help you with any type of funeral service, from traditional religious ceremonies to modern celebrations of life. Funeral Guide members in the town have all of their prices and services listed so that you can make a comparison between the funeral homes. To view more information about any of the funeral directors in Shrewsbury, click on their profile to view more information about funeral costs and services provided by the funeral home. You can also read reviews left by bereaved people who have used the funeral director in the past and find out their contact information.
Shrewsbury Funeral Support -H2
The experience of looking for funeral planning can be very tough and emotional, and that is exactly why funeral directors offer additional support. Funeral directors in Shrewsbury are able to offer practical and emotional support to help you through these tough times. Both grief counselling and recommended advice are available to help you with the mourning process.
Shrewsbury Funeral Reviews
Finding the right funeral directors for your loved ones is extremely important, and we understand that. That is why we show customer reviews from those who have used the services in the past. You will be able to find honest and helpful reviews that can help you make a decision. Making an informed and trustworthy choice can be tough, but these reviews are there to help. For those who would prefer a personalised consultation, it is also available at local branches or with a home visit.
Funeral Directors in Shrewsbury
If you can’t quite find what you’re looking for in Shrewsbury, you can look at surrounding areas. Here are some options: