Still think of you every day xxxxx
Luke Clinton Coggins (27 Oct 1992 - 5 Jan 2018)
In loving memory of Luke
Luke was born on the 27th October 1992, at Lister hospital Stevenage Herts, at 2121 hours weighing 10lb 2oz he was the biggest of all our children. Being the youngest he was the baby of our family. He was spoiled rotten by all of his 5 siblings Zoe, Lewis, Jodie, Laura and Michelle. His nanny Iris and his mum. He was a mummy's boy, when Luke started talking he used to say canas mum (instead of can I). His most favourite film was Lion King he played it on repeat over and over. Much to the annoyance of his siblings.
He started school at 4 years old at Long Meadow Nursery, infants then junior. We moved to Caister when he was 8 years old. He went to Ormseby first school, then he went on to Caister middle and high school. At an early age could ride his bike and could swim at the age of 4, he could add up quicker than anyone else I new. He was very clever in whatever he put his hands to. He loved comedies, and martial art films, he loved all types of music, Elvis, Jerry lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Johnny cash and later on Eminem, Ed Sheeran. He would cry to-I will always love you by Whitney Houston as a baby. He passed his driving test in November 2012. He had many jobs over the years but he loved scaffolding and he was good at this. Luke had 4 children Isla, Lucia, Brodi-leigh and Honey-May. He loved each and everyone the same. He had such a caring way about him, he loved his family and would be the first to help out if we needed him to. He will leave a massive hole in our hearts love you Son Mum and Dad xxxx
We request flowers from immediate family only, if you would like to donate we have given you the link below it will take you to the funding page Thank You
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How is our baby 3 this year..she's growing up to fast😫 She's asking to use the toilet..getting herself dressed, she's very independent and wants to do things herself☺️ She asks about you all the time😔💛 We miss & love you lots!xxxxxxx

Looking through my photos and found this beautiful picture💛
All grown up💛

Our cheeky little Coggs💛💛
Me & Little Coggs miss you lots💛💛

I love you so much uncle Luke xxxxxxx🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love you daddy💛💛💛

I now have a picture of all of you together love it Luke xxx

As I promised Luke. Love you son from your ever loving mum hugs and kisses coming your way xxxxxx

Hello Luke I had your 2 oldest girls last night kept me awake till 2 but they were both laughing and were happy to be here they had a midnight feast as usual love you son from your ever loving mum hugs and kisses coming your way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My favourite photo from Little Coggs nursery photos, this speaks a thousand words, she adores you! She loves her daddy lots😘💛💛

So it was our boys school play this morning! As you can see he was a rather cute shepherd 😍 he was like a little wrecking ball coming down that church isle 😂😂 he did make me laugh bless him! So like you it’s unreal 🙄😂
Our beautiful chubby little Snowman..she's honestly the most sweetest little thing ever but with a sassy attitude🙄😂🙈 Honey does love you so much💛💛

Me and little Coggs went with Laura and the kids to see to say she screamed in his face😂🙈 she was abit scared of him..but now she keeps saying "me see Santa Kara" 😂😂 she's one funny little girl..we both miss you millions & love you lots💛

with attitude now were does she get that from I wonder xx

Lucia and nanny at her play today 😍 she was angel Gabriel and done us all proud 💕

Honey-Mays christening today Luke holding your photo with her mummy it was a beautiful day xxx

Today was Our Babygirls christening and it was a lovely service, you would of been proud! Honey looked gorgeous and she reminds me so much of you!! Im so proud of your family💛 Me and little Coggs miss you millions and Honey loves you millions!!💛💛
Hello and little Coggins stayed at Laura's at the weekend. Your sister decided to give Honey a chocolate yogurt for breakfast and she got it everywhere..even on the table😂 I had a little cry but I'm trying my best to stay strong💛 We miss you💛💛

So the boys been picked to be a shepherd in his first school play this year 😍 and he is totally rocking his costume ✌️Although he’s not overly impressed that it’s a dress 🙄 he still looks super cute though 🖤

Hey baby lukey this is a letter tilly wrote for u at school. She asks for u a lot and misses u...hope ur visiting us regular and keeping nan on her toes haha...we love u so much baby lukey and miss u millions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

This little sass pot 😍😍 6 going on 16! It’s like arguing with you when she gets going, she’s never wrong and has got an answer for everything 😡😂
Our little Coggs is getting on so well at nursery, she's such a clever polite little girl! Her keyworker said to me how polite she is, she always says "please" & "thank you" she's very talkative too😂 Honey asks about you a lot, me miss you millions💛💛

Remembering you on your birthday Luke. Loadsa love, hugs and kisses from me, Danny and the kiddies xxxxxx
Your birthday balloon daddy, I drew you a little picture on it! "Appy birfday daddy" love you and miss you millions!!💛💛💛
Happy Birthday daddy, I miss you millions! I love you so much daddy!!💛💛xxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday to the brightest star there is, you would of been 26 today! How I miss you everyday! Whenever I look at Honey, all I see is you!! I miss you lots and hope you party hard up there! Sleep tight Coggins💛💛

I went pumpkin picking today daddy! We had lots of fun 💕

Hi daddy! We went pumpkin picking today and I picked the biggest one I could find 😍

Found this of you I love the way you used to do this love you son from your ever loving mum xx
Honey fell asleep cuddling her "daddy" tonight, she's so sweet! She came and sat on my lap earlier and said to me "daddy, where daddy gone" she constantly asks about you! We miss you millions my love! We love you milions!!💛💛
Our baby girl started nursery today, she went in and didn't even cry!! We have one independent little coggs! I'm so proud of her and I know you would be too!!💛
A beautiful poem for you Coggins💛 I miss you so much!!!💛💛

Like butter wouldn’t melt right? 😍😍 wrong!! That song you used to sing to me “devil in disguise” that was dedicated to this little human we reproduced right here! I’m sure your up there influencing his terrible behaviour 🙄 please can you stop now 😂😂
I love you daddy💛💛
Honey sleeping with her eyes slightly open...she's a mini you all over!!💛
Our little coggs💛💛

Hey baby lukey I wrote this for u but it wouldn't let me submit for some reason so if this pic don't come out clear I will ryt it out again...won't know till mum approves tho. I love u so much and miss u millions baby lukey. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Brodis first day at big boy school 💙 and in his own words “I was a good boy at school today mummy, my teacher didn’t have to shout at me” 😂😂 so like you!!! 🙄
How did we get so lucky to have a such a beautiful baby!! We miss you millions! Little coggs loves her daddy millions💛 (her new nickname as she tells everyone her name is coggins)😂🙈💛
you look so happy with your baby girl xxx
Birthday girlie with her builder bear with your voice in and the Simba from you, she's love them! She absolutely love her daddy lots💛💛

So next Thursday our baby devil starts big boy school 😩 so today we went and got a nice fresh hair cut and the last few bits he needed! Where has time gone? And why aren’t you here to see him on his first day! 💙
Hi Lukey today is your eldest baby’s birthday Isla may, she is 10 today and I can remember the day she was born and how happy you were. But sadly you are not here to see her today but you will be around her I’m sure love you son xxxxx

Brodi and lucia at Nanny xx
Honey in her Lion King dress, she's so beautiful and so is the dress! I had it specially made for her birthday💛

Hi daddy, I went and had a hair cut today and I was a very good boy a kept still!! Mummy said it was a miracle! I even got a lolly pop 🙊 Love you loads daddy 💙

Always took funny faced photos🙈 I miss you💛

Here I am daddy in my new glasses 😍😍
Our baby girls is growing up so fast😩 She's so gorgeous, it's unbelievable😍 This is her "cheese" face🙈 How adorable is she, she misses & loves her daddy millions💛💛

Hi daddy I had to go and see the eye doctor yesterday and try these silly glasses on 🙊 mummy said I looked funny! But I got to chose some much cuter glasses at the end, I’ll get mummy to put a photo up next week when I get them, love you daddy, miss you

Love you daddy xx

Hey baby lukey these are our tattoos of ur handwriting. Some how u have created and family tattoo and having this feels like u r always wid us coz it's something u wrote personally. It's also mum's ever first one. We love u so much and miss u loads. Xx❤xx

This is the water feature luke isn't it beautiful xxx
6 months today🙁 Honeys forever sitting near your memorial wall, kissing your photos telling me "Daddy Kara" then points at you in the photos😞 She likes to hold your lion teddy. We miss you millions my love & Honey loves her Daddy absolutely millions💛

Sat in the garden today catching some sun and this literally floats down and lands like this on my lap! I know your always around 💙

here you are luke your big brother with his friends bill and sharon starting there challenge xx
I love youuu and I miss you millions daddy!💛💛

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday but tried to keep the babies busy! We let some balloons go for you and Lucia had a little cry 😢 Happy belated Father’s Day from 2 of your gorgeous babies ♥️

You was Paige boy 15 years ago today. Happy times we miss

Here I am sat filling in forms for our baby boys admission to big school in September 😢 where has time gone?! And why aren’t you here to see him start his first day at big boy school 💔 you should be here sharing these moment with us x

Look at 2 of your girls so pretty, little sisters Lucia loved to see her little sister yesterday she couldn’t leave her alone 😍 love them xxx

As promised Luke, here is a picture of you, with your 2 nieces Alicia and Mary and a picture of Nan with you all too. ❤️💙💞💞

Had a lovely day with Nanny and mummy daddy love you to the moon and back from your second baby girl lucia fatpants xx

I miss you very much Luke💗
Our little fatpants in her new pyjamas💗💗

I drew a picture of you a couple of weeks ago, I hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
So today I went and got a tattoo in memory of you, like I said I was going to a couple months ago...Laura came with me..I thought it was gonna hurt but it was really relaxing! I do miss you a lot and still think of you all the time my love💗💗

Hi Lukey I got this photo of you, you looked so happy in this I am getting a phone case with this on it. I love it reminds me when you were working with Chris you were so pleased with your muscles love you son xxx
So it's our daughters 2nd birthday in a couple months & I've decided to buy a Cuddly Simba for her birthday from you as it's something you would of got her. She's already seen it & loves it! I told her daddy brought it for you but your not having it yet💗

Just look how beautiful this little lady is! we did good 😍 She misses her daddy a lot!! Forever talking about you and to you 😔💙

Hello baby lukey it's tilly again. This is the message I wrote on the back of it picture. I really want to see u. Plz come and see me. I love u so much and miss u like crazy. I think about u all the tym. I love u thousands. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx❤😘❤😘❤

Hey baby lukey this is a picture of u.....i done this at school and I wrote on the back of it to hoping u will come and see me. I'm now doing a book for u with this picture on and when it's finished I will show u it. I love u baby lukey so much xxxxx❤😘❤

Hey baby lukey.....look what mummy done for me on my arm....i want a tattoo like mummys when I'm older.....i am missing u so much and I love u so much to. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx❤😘❤😘

Luke I got your flowers back today they are amazing thanks to your family brother sisters brother in laws sister in law grandad cousin's aunts uncle's and friends for donations which paid for this we will treasure this for ever thank you love debs & clint
Hi daddy, I was being cheeky yesterday and went and helped mummy clean the garden! I love you millions daddy😘 I miss you millions! Love your baby girls💗💗
Hi daddy...we went to Colchester Zoo and I really enjoyed it! I fed the giraffes all by myself..I even walked around most of the zoo instead of sitting in my buggy! Love you millions daddy and I miss you millions, love your baby girls💗💗

What the hell were you doing with my camera lol think you must be the start of the selfie craze 😂 lol xxx

This one made me laugh as I have a few pictures of you and dad crashed out together, like father like son, the pair of you could fall asleep anywhere together lol (Jodie’s wedding) xxx

At Jodie’s wedding with Kerry and Paul, lovely picture ❤️❤️❤️

Helping or probably not helping Mum feed James lol xxx

Looking a bit chunky here Luke lol xxx

One of our many Christmas’s I’m guessing this is around 2006 as Kacey looks about 2 here xxx

So I put our son to bed earlier, a few minutes later he sneaks down the stairs and pokes his head round the corner looking like this 🙄 odd child just like you 😂😂

I miss you every second of the day, everyday💗

Hi daddy, I went to nannies today and I saw Isla, my big sister💗 I love you millions and miss you millions daddy💗 Love your baby girls💗

Hi daddy, we had a sleep over at auntie Zoe’s last night and had lots of fun!! Love you lots and miss you more ♥️♥️

There’s not a night that’s passed since you’ve been gone that this little lady has settled or slept in her own bed, she loves and misses you more as the days go on, She talks about you on a daily basis, that right there is unconditional love ♥️

Hey Lukey look at dad’s new car! Wouldn’t you just love to drive around in that 😂😂😂😂😂

Our little fat pants at 2 and again at 6 😍 love that she still does this face 😂♥️
Hi daddy..I went and saw Nanny & everyone today. Ive got all chocolate on me because I ate a chocolate biscuit and I fell asleep on Nanny. I got chocolate on her top🙈 I love you and miss you millions. Love your baby girl💗

Everyday i miss you everyday i think about you, I never imagined it would be this hard not having you around but everyday i think of what you done for me and how you inspired me, I miss you more everyday coggins your forever in my heart 💙💙💙
Our little baby girl is growing up too fast😫 Just wish you was here to see her development everyday...just like last year when you came to see her nearly everyday😞 Little fatpants loves & misses her daddy millions!xxxxx

I miss you more each day, always think about you constantly! I'm forever talking about you to our little baby girl 😞 Keep shining bright my love! Miss you millions💗💗

Love these gorgeous little people 💕 brother and sisterly love 😍♥️

beautiful photo luke of your first baby girl. she is growing up to quick now time is going in a blink of an eye love you xx

a gift for you lukey love mum and dad xxx

A picture of our gorgeous birthday girl as promised ♥️

6 Years today since CC arrived, where has the time gone?! Feels like yesterday I was dropping you & wook off at the hospital for this gorgeous not so little girl to make her appearance 🙊💕

I miss you millions, I love you lots daddy! Love your fatpants💗💗
3 months today you've been gone and still can't believe it😞 I've finished your memorial wall so Honey-May can see her daddy everyday! Little fatpants loves you millions! I lite your candles aswell😘 We miss & love you millions! Sleep tight my love xxxxx

Hello Lukey you said you was going to own this car when you reached 25 but then I suppose you do the car isn’t about any more bet your riding a round in it now love you Lukey from your ever loving Mum hugs and kisses coming your way xxxxxxx

Hi daddy, I was a super brave girl today! I was messaging around on the bed with mummy when I fell off and hurt my poorly arm! Mummy took me to the hospital and It turns out it’s broken!! Love you loads from your number 1 Fatpants cc Lou ♥️♥️

Hey baby lukey look what mum found on ur old fb. It's the picture I cried over coz I thought u deleted it so when mum found made me cry again haha. I love u so much baby lukey and I miss u more than ever and hurts more everyday. Xxxxxxxx❤❤xxxxxxxx

Hey baby lukey look what I got done for u....i am the first out of many that wants a tattoo in memory or u. I love mine it's on the front of my arm just above my hand....i wanted one that I could look at everyday and see it in everything I do. I love u ❤❤

Luke Callie found her old phone and it had some lovely photos of you Lucia and Brodi, in your own words. QUALITY
I love you daddy, miss you lots! Forever your little fatpants💗

There isn't a day that goes by where I don't sit there and look at our picture and messages and all the great memories, I'll never forget you my friend I miss you coggins 💙💙💙

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you, your constantly in my thoughts. I miss you so much!xxxx

This is my gift from you Luke the words are beautiful xx they say .......... I love my Mum very much I'm her shining star and if I could I'd be here but Heaven's just too far... Happy Mothers day from Heaven Love Lukey XXX


Sisters 💗

A picture of our big boy on his birthday 💙

Hey baby lukey me and kara had a drink for u...i bought it coz it was ur favourite drink...u cost me a bomb 😂😂 but it was worth it..i must turned in my stomach to start but I got use to it. I love u so much baby lukey xxxxxxxxx❤miss u ❤xxxxxxxx

you on Lewis's shoulder, this is the replica of you 19 years later with Isla on your shoulders

I remember this it was at woolen wick school

your big brother Lewis doing your hair

you holding an owl on a school trip

you and dad enjoying a log ride

Lucia wanted daddy to see her in her ballerina costume 💗😍
Miss you lots my love💗
I love you daddy💗

The kids loved playing out in the snow yesterday ❄️❄️ But couldn’t help but think if you were here you’d have been out with them acting like the biggest child pelting snow balls at everyone!! 😂 xx
I looked at this photo and smiled it you and Nan having banter with each other. and I think of you 2 up there doing the same thing. you got on well with Nan and I can see the love between you both in this very special photo keep dancing my angels love you

This is the garage you painted Luke this is another one of them jobs you started and didn't finish. I only have one incomplete job dad's has all the others lol.
Daddy I love you more than ever💗
Love you xx

this is on grandads birthday Luke happy times xx

look what i found Luke do you remember this it was Lucia birthday treat.

more of your cards

some of your cards on your flowers

Luke you need to look at this, it a card from your family and friends, some of these people we don't even know, they are incredible between them all they raise £700 for us to have your beautiful flowers frozen and your hand cast done. they are so amazing.

Not only is he your double in looks, he’s also as crazy as you! 😂 this is how brodi went to school the other day, goggles on and hammer in his hand! Daddy’s double 💕

The 2 people that loved you the most Mum & Dad xx
Miss this cheeky little smile, you was so handsome, but then you knew that..the amount of times I'd catch you looking at yourself in the mirror flexing😘xxxxx
Daddy, I know your by my side where I go, I carry your photo around the house with me and point and say "my daddy" I give you kisses all the time. I love you daddy, I miss you lots💗💗

This is your baby band when you were born xx

hello Lukey this is one of the photos from your wake service

Lucia has spent most of the morning going through your book, looking up at the sky talking to you, and as lush as it is it’s also breaking my heart 💔 this picture speaks a million words and the love these children have for you can’t be put into words xxx

here's a photo Luke, one of many happy time together in the garden 2 of your children and the rest most of your nephews and nieces. our BBQ will never be the same again love you Luke love Mum XXX

Thinking about you lots today daddy, you will forever be my sunshine, my moon and all my stars .. Love you to the moon and back, from your fat bum cc and brodi boy xx

Daddy, even though I'm little & cant express myself with words. My thoughts remain unspoken I really want you to know that I love the way you look, smile and talk to me. You always make me happy. Your the best daddy in the whole world. I love you daddy💗
I miss you lots💗💗

This is a view u would loved to see i miss you man u was like a brother to me remember when it was to hot and we didn't have swimming trunks so we went in our boxers and our dancing video never forget you pal I miss u sleep tight keep smiling like u do<3

Luke and his friend Chris

my baby and me xx

you were a beautiful baby and grew in to a handsome man xx

you was so happy you got 2 girls phone numbers and wrote them on you hand,

Luke with Lucia and Brodi XX

I love you daddy xx
Just for my one and only daddy💗💗

I think this was from dads 50th Birthday xx
Always so affectionate💗

my baby so good looking xx
he must have had a hard day bless him xx
Luke and Isla in his hat love this photo xx
Lukey with baby Isla he looked so happy xx

This was the boys racing each other .... I think this was the last holiday we all went on together in 2008 at Skegness, Isla was about two weeks old!
❤️❤️❤️ Luke with his eldest girl Isla when we was at the Zoo ❤️❤️❤️

Everyone all ways said we had a bromance, the way we would compliment each other on our clothes and make each other feel good about are selfs and all the times I'd sit there doing your hair and it all ways took ages because you had to have it perfect.
Luke you was always up for new adventures and trying new things, nothing phased you. I remember you said to me lets go watch the sunrise, we sat there about 2 hours waiting for it to come up because you got the wrong time that it sunrises xxxx
I love you Daddy!xxxx

2 peas in a pod 💙
Luke feeding Honey-May her first bottle💗

Dad, Luke and Kevin xxx

Luke as a page boy at Lewis and Sarah’s wedding xxx

Love you daddy 💙
We went to visit your sister Laura and Dennis. We all end up going to the Cinema to watch Paranormal Activity 3D..Within 20 minutes of the film you fell asleep and missed the whole film but woke up saying it was a good film😂😂xxxx

I remember this day so well! Tams birthday me you Hannah and tam went to the green gate, you walked up to some other woman grabbed her bum and called her sexy thinking it was me 😂 typical you! X
We miss you lots💗

You was my bestfriend we had some crazy nights out but this night was the best watching you dance always made me laugh but watching you trying to moon walk was the funniest, I will miss you, you really was one in a million and I promise I'll do you proud

Luke haydens and laura

Daddy's double💗
One of my favourite photos of us, I remember you and chris use to take you ages to sorting your hair out because it had to sit perfect!xxxx

My nearest writing for you daddy, I love you lots from your little fat pants Lucia xx

This is the day Isla took her Daddy swimming xxx
Your smile could make anyone smile. You've given me some amazing memories that I can treasure forever! I love you and miss you very much xxxx

lukes youngest baby honey-may

A letter Isla wrote for her Daddy xxx

We love you daddy ♥️♥️

Luke I miss u massively. My heart will never repair. Apart of me has gone with you and things will just never be the same again coz we r missing our little baby brother. Just can't believe your gone baby lukey. I love u baby lukey so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
