Les Walker (25 Sep 1950 - 12 Sep 2014)
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LesCancer Research UK

In loving memory of the late Les Walker who sadly passed away on 12th September 2014
The following poem was kindly written by Allen Carter in memory of Les.
Les, he was a quiet man,
Well that's the man I knew,
Who liked to smoke and a bet on the horses,
And where his flowers grew.
A man who sought perfection,
In everything he did,
And a store room full of boxes,
He never could get rid,
And if you asked the question,
Les, can you help me out?
You knew the answer would be yes,
And that's without a doubt.
Your sidewards glance, your rousing laugh,
We never will forget,
And I hope you find a bookies there,
So you can place a bet.
But now we have to say goodbye,
And send you on your way,
But we will stop and think of you,
At some point every day.
So as you walk into the mist,
And fade around the bend,
It's time for us to say goodbye,
To a wonderful husband, father and friend.