William Thomas Dobner (7 Jun 1928 - 4 Apr 2016)

Funeral Director

Honor Oak Crematorium Brockley Way SE4 2LW
26th Apr 2016
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In loving memory of William Thomas Dobner who sadly passed away on 4th April 2016.
Bill was born on 7th June 1928 in Bermondsey, where he lived all of his life.
His Parents, Elizabeth and William bore 5 children, Bill, Rose, Eileen, Joan and Ronnie.

He joined the army in 1946 and served for 2 years. Following this he started work driving a horse and cart and spent many a happy day delivering with his horse Nellie!

His next job was working for Hays Wharf Cartage where he learnt to drive. He took this skill to his next job, driving tankers for Pickford Tank Haulage, where he delivered oil to many companies up and down the country.
Driving started his love for cars. He bought his first car in 1949 at a cost of £75 and named it Jezebel. He continued driving until just a month ago, when he sold his car the day before he went into hospital.

On the 1st August 1953, he married Joyce Bishop and they moved into Joyce's family home at 5 Emba street. Their first child Carol was born in May 1957, followed by Diane in April 1961.

He always enjoyed a drink in their local, The Old Justice, or as it was known, "The J". The Bishop Family would meet there on the weekend. Bill often sang on the Mic and his signature tune was Tony Bennett's "I left my heart in San Francisco". In later years they would go to The British Legion in Deptford with Joyce's brother Bill and his wife Anne, It was with Anne and Bill that they spent many of their family holiday's, which were usually to Hayling Island or the Isle of Wight. There was a time when all the Bishop Family would go on holiday together at Coronation Camp, leaving many great memories for everyone.

Bill and Joyce bought a chalet at Leysdown and had some great times there with the family, he especially enjoyed weekends with Carol, Diane and his Son in Laws Brian and Keith.

Bill became a Grandad in 1978 to Lee, followed in later years by Joanna, Dean and Michelle and enjoyed telling them stories of when he was young.

He retired in 1993 after 48 years of service working for the same company.

Bill had been fortunate to see all of his 4 grandchildren married and becoming Great Grandad to Claudia, Billy, Olivia Corey and Tommy.

In 2000, he fought and won a tough battle with cancer, however in 2008 he was diagnosed with kidney failure and spent the next 8 years on dialysis, having to go to the hospital three times a week. Bill used to say he was having "his oil changed"! He always enjoyed the banter with his harem of nurses, who looked after him till the end.

Unfortunately cancer reared it's ugly head once more and on Monday 4th April 2016, he finally lost his battle.

Bill was much loved by his family and by everyone that knew him. He was a kind, generous and loving man who will be sadly missed.

Rita Earl lit a candle
Joan & Ken wrote

Dear Bill

Tuesday 26th April a day to be remembered when we said Goodbye to our Last Uncle "Unbeleivable" the flowers all your family and friends made it very special.

A lasting memory for me is when we stopped at 5 Emba Street placing a Rose on the wall and at the Justice Pub on the steps where we all shared such happy memories.

I know Ken will miss your company at the family "do's " especially the chats about the places you visited on your journeys. Although it was sad we were glad we were there on your last journey. End of the Road Bill R.I. P

Lots of Love Joan & Ken xx

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Diane Baker wrote

Dad, this is the first birthday I have had without you there, but I am so grateful to have had you there for the last 55 years.

Yesterday was a hard day for all of us but it was wonderful to see so many Family and Friends turn up to say goodbye to you, and pay tribute to such a kind, loving and brave man, I am so proud and lucky to have had you as my Dad.

We have to say goodbye for now but I know we will meet again one day until then you will stay in my heart forever.
God bless Dad and sleep peacefully.
Love you always xx

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Carol and Brian Castle wrote

Yesterday we had to say goodbye Dad, I think you would be pleased to know how many people came to say goodbye and how many flowers were sent. The weather was amazing too - 4 different seasons in one day
We will never say goodbye really Dad because you will always be in our thoughts and our hearts. I have always been proud to say that you were my Dad.
Sleep peacefully now
All our love always xx

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Madeliene Aldridge wrote

Bill I have known you all my life and you were so special. When I was a little girl you made the best egg and chips in the world and recently when Iris, Joan and,I visited you went and bought the loveliest bread for our "buffet lunch" or went to Walworth Road to get the pie and mash. Not only that you did the washing up too. I feel really privileged to have known you and the amount of people and flowers there yesterday when we came to say goodbye showed how many other people felt the same.
We will look after Joyce , don't worry.
All my love Mad xxxxxxxx

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Daniel McCarthy wrote

I will always remember sitting down with Bill at parties and family events talking about all the places he travelled while driving and will cherish all the fond memories I have of him. You're passing has left a dent in all our lives and we will all miss you very much.

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Daniel McCarthy lit a candle
Sue Payne lit a candle
Michelle and Daniel posted a picture
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Michelle McCarthy wrote

Today I say good bye to one of the most special men in my life and my heart is broken, but I no I am so luck to have had you as my grandad and I will never ever forget you. You were the strongest, kindest and most loving grandad I could have ever asked for and I will miss you every day.

Sweet dreams grandad.
Love you forever xxx

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Nicola Baker wrote

I feel very privileged to have known Bill and know that my children could not have asked for a better great grandad.
I always enjoyed chatting with Bill and used to like hearing him tell stories of his travels in his lorry.
He was always so generous, patient and loving towards Claudia and Corey. He made them smile and laugh whenever they saw him and they have some fond memories of their Grandad Bill.
Bill will be deeply missed by us all.

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Iris and John lit a candle
Iris lit a candle
Iris wrote

I have lots of childhood and adult memories of you Bill which will be talked about and stay with me and
never forgotten. As a kid I loved having days out in your car Jezabel. So many stories you told, even making us laugh at your stories from your hospital bed. I now think you did not leave your Heart in
San Francisco but you left it right here. You may have gone away but never forgotten.
God Bless Uncle Bill. Love Iris and John xxx

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Debbie Andrews posted a picture
Hayling Island July 1975

Hayling Island July 1975

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dave and cathy sterry lit a candle
Joan & Ken is attending the funeral and the reception
Nicola Baker lit a candle
Emma Baker lit a candle
Joan & Ken lit a candle
Joan & Ken lit a candle
Debra Andrews wrote

I first met Joyce and Bill when I became friends with Diane, we were both 11 years old. I used to like going round their house in Emba Street where I was always made welcome. On arriving Bill would say "Here comes trouble" and I think he used to call me and Diane Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee!
He had seen us grow up, get married, have children and become grandparents.

I only saw Bill at various family functions held over the years where Mark would always made sure he spoke to Bill, it was something Mark liked to do and I think Bill enjoyed their little chats. Future functions will not be the same.

Bill was a lovely man, very quiet, loved his family and just accepted what life threw at him. He will be sorely missed.

Lots of Love to you Bill and to all the family
Debbie and Mark

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Mark and Janie Ruffo wrote

We had the privilege of staying with Uncle Bill and Auntie Joyce when we visited London. They were the perfect hosts! They were so kind and gracious opening their home and hearts to us. We enjoyed delicious meals and a beautiful view but, most of all, wonderful conversation. Getting to know Uncle Bill and Auntie Joyce as family was precious. Eileen, our mum, revered Uncle Bill as one of the most special people she had in her life. We are so sorry to hear of Uncle Bill’s passing. We hope wonderful memories of such a great man will help to ease your sorrow. You are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

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Rob & Carol Cottrell wrote

A true gentleman in every sense of the word. He suffered in silence so that his loved ones should not worry. He played a bad hand right to the end. Bill may you live in your family's hearts forever.

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Diane Baker posted a picture
Last family photo at Dean and Emma's wedding 30th January 2016

Last family photo at Dean and Emma's wedding 30th January 2016

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Lora Bishop wrote

I have lots of happy memories of Billy at the Bishop parties from my childhood - him insisting Tony Bennett was the BEST male singer in the world, whilst I knew it was Matt Monro. Much love to you all at this sad time.

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Alan Bishop is attending the funeral and the reception
Alan Bishop wrote

I well remember the trips in your lorry in the late 50's and the special baggy overalls RIP Billy.

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  • the memory of my lorry trip with Bill was going to Cadburys in Bournville, so exciting when aged around 14. Great memories Bill.

    Posted by Dennis on 29/04/2016 Report abuse
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Diane Baker posted a picture
Bill and Joyce, January 2016, with Maisey and all the great grandchildren, Claudia, Billy, Olivia, Corey and Tommy.

Bill and Joyce, January 2016, with Maisey and all the great grandchildren, Claudia, Billy, Olivia, Corey and Tommy.

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Mark Leach is attending the funeral and the reception