There are a number of funeral directors in Guildford to choose from should you be arranging the funeral of a friend or loved one. These companies are based in the town and the surrounding area and offer a professional service which can be tailored to each individual and their beliefs. At the Funeral Guide, we have information regarding all of the great funeral directors in Guildford to help you find the right company to suit your requirements.
Funeral Directors Guildford
Guildford Funeralcare
14 The Broadway, Guildford, GU1 1DY97 reviewsReviewed 9 months agoGuildford Funeralcare is an ethical and member owned funeral director, serving bereaved families in Guildford and the surrounding area with care, respect and clarity.
Cristina provided an exceptional response to us at a very difficult time. When other local firms said it was out...
Fiona Yeomans, Apr 15th 2024 0 milesestimate -
James & Thomas Funeral Directors, Merrow
Merrow Heights, 259 Epsom Road, Guildford, GU1 2RE3 reviewsReviewed 7 years agoVery caring personal service
Hilary Thorn, Sep 2nd 2017 0 milesestimate -
J Monk & Sons
70 Woodbridge Rd, Guildford, GU1 4RD0 reviews0 milesestimate -
Mullard Funerals
121-123 High Street, Godalming, GU7 1AQ0 reviews0 milesestimate -
J Gorringe & Son Funeral Directors
55 Hare Lane, Godalming, GU7 3EF0 reviews0 milesestimate -
Alan Greenwood & Sons Send
66 Send Road, Send, GU23 7EU0 reviewsReviewed 4 years agoAlan Greenwood & Sons are Truly Independent Family Funeral Directors who have been serving the community for many years in different ways. All our staff are fully trained, professional, sensitive and with a genuine compassion to help you.
Even during a pandemic Alan Greenwood & Sons acted with compassion, care, and understanding. They had the greatest respect for...
Alison Turner, May 12th 2020 0 milesestimate -
Alan Greenwood & Sons Guildford
34 Madrid Road, Guildford, GU2 7NU0 reviewsAlan Greenwood & Sons are Truly Independent Family Funeral Directors who have been serving the community for many years in different ways. All our staff are fully trained, professional, sensitive and with a genuine compassion to help you.
0 milesestimate -
Robert Ayling Funeral Directors
The Old Post Office, Guildford, GU2 8BE0 reviews0 milesestimate -
Alan Greenwood & Sons Woodbridge Hill
2 Aldershot Road, Guildford, GU2 8AF0 reviewsIndependent family owned funeral directors in Woodbridge Hill, Guildford serving bereaved families with bespoke funeral arrangements.
0 milesestimate -
Godalming Funeral Service, Meadow Croft
Meadow Croft, Bridge Road, Godalming, GU7 3DT0 reviews0 milesestimate
Find Funeral Directors in Guildford
The first step when it comes to arranging a funeral is finding the funeral planner in Guildford, which is where our database of companies can be particularly useful. The Guildford funeral directors page on site contains all of the options local to you after an address or postcode is entered into our search bar feature. This page will then display all of the funeral directors local to you and their distance from the details you entered; you may also find information on the reviews each company has on-site, plus a pricing estimate for their services.
Users looking to format the Guildford funeral directors page to place companies in order of relevance, price and distance can do so with icons at the top of the screen. Users looking for more information on a particular organisation can access their dedicated page on-site, where further information about Guildford funeral directors can be found. These pages feature the address and contact details of the related funeral directors; they also display an introduction, FAQs, all of the reviews from previous clients and the star ratings they left.
Guildford Funeral Services
No matter the beliefs or ideologies of the deceased, Guildford funeral services can be tailored to suit the individual, with a huge variety of directors and venues in the local area. This is where the various Guildford funeral directors' reviews can be useful in showing how these companies have helped in arranging different services. Whether you are looking to arrange a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or any other religious service, these funeral directors in Guildford can assist in this process. Alongside the venue, a Guidlofrd funeral directors can aid in the booking of transport, flowers and much more that goes into making the perfect funeral service.
Guildford Funeral Directors Support
Organising a loved one's funeral can be a tremendous task, both mentally and physically, that these Guildford funeral directors can help with in a number of ways. These companies have years of experience in working with the various providers of funeral venues and services, helping to arrange the perfect send-off for the client. The wishes of the deceased and their family are prioritised throughout this process to ensure that the grieving process is navigated as healthily as possible.
In addition to tailoring the funeral service to each individual client, these Guildford funeral directors can offer support and advice during this traumatic time. They can do so by offering a compassionate service throughout and listening to the client's wishes or providing information on grief counselling and support groups in Guildford.
Guildford Funeral Reviews
The best way to determine which funeral directors in Guildford are right for you is through the testimonials left by previous customers. These Guildford funeral directors' reviews at Funeral Guide allow clients to share how these directors helped throughout the process and even leave a rating of their experience with them.
Funeral Directors in Guildford
The right funeral directors for you might not be among these in the Guildford area though , however, there are many more available slightly further afield.