Susan Perkins (4 Sep 1944 - 21 Jun 2021)

Donate in memory of
SusanSt Catherine’s Hospice (Crawley)

£790.00 + Gift Aid of £125.00
In partnership with

Donate in memory of
SusanMacmillan Cancer Support, Nurses

£923.49 + Gift Aid of £105.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

St Michael's Church Church Street Betchworth RH3 7DN
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In loving memory of Susan Perkins who sadly passed away on 21st June 2021, aged 76 years. Loved and missed by her family and many friends.

Chris & Ruth Sayers donated £50 in memory of Susan
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Sheila Hinton donated in memory of Susan

So many New Years seen in together. SO much achieved in so short a time.

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Sheila Hinton donated in memory of Susan

We saw in so many New Years together. A life well lived.

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Liz Flett donated in memory of Susan

With fond memories of Sue, a Kings colleague.
Many years ago four of us shared a flat in London and I’ve still got the recipe for her Barmbrack loaf!

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Margaret Parkinson donated £50 in memory of Susan
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Michael Wright donated in memory of Susan
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John and Lynn Scotcher donated in memory of Susan
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Patrick Gilpin donated £50 in memory of Susan

For the care of future cancer sufferers ,remembering happy times with Susan at work & play
Pat & Lis

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Ian Nelson donated £30 in memory of Susan

With happy memories of a lovely person.

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Jane Forrester donated in memory of Susan
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Pam and Don Wootton donated £50 in memory of Susan

After 50 years of friendship, you will be dearly missed. No more happy evenings celebrating each other's birthdays and other special celebrations

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Rebeca and John Shockley donated in memory of Susan
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Rebecca and Shockley donated in memory of Susan

We are sad to have lost a wonderful friend who was smart, kind, generous, and energetic, and we cherish memories of our many delightful visits to Susan and Richard over the years. (I first met Susan in 1969 in London, and John and I were fortunate to be able to attend her wedding.)

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Maureen Erskine donated £30 in memory of Susan

Goodbye to a dear friend

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Judy Norman donated in memory of Susan

We will miss your happy face and your loyal and enthusiastic presence at all club events. Lots of love
from Judy,Len Claire and Karen xxxx

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Judy Norman wrote

Remembering a loyal and very enthusiastic member of our local car club. You were always there, always smiling and encouraging. There will be a big space at the table but we will remember the good times as you would tell us to do. Love to Richard and hope in time we will see him at an event or two.

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Richard Welfare donated in memory of Susan
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Richard Welfare wrote

How often do we put off meeting up with friends as we are too busy? Fortunately last year we didn’t and did see Sue & Richard when she was her normal “chatty” self. I have known Sue since she was at college at Kings when we were dental students and our paths crossed many times over the years and even resulted in a scientific paper or two. However we were more than colleagues we were good friends. We will miss Sue and our thoughts are very much with Richard.
Richard & Rosina Welfare

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Nicki Shadwell donated £30 in memory of Susan

Our thoughts are with you. Love Ann, Anna and Nicki x

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Richard Welfare wrote

How often do we put off meeting up with friends as we are too busy? Fortunately last year we didn’t and did see Sue & Richard when she was her normal “chatty” self. I have known Sue since she was at college at Kings when we were dental students and our paths crossed many times over the years and even resulted in a scientific paper or two. However we were more than colleagues we were good friends. We will miss Sue and our thoughts are very much with Richard.
Richard & Rosina Welfare

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Richard Welfare posted a picture
Sue Kings 1968

Sue Kings 1968

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Geoff Wootton donated £30 in memory of Susan
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Vicky Cave donated £150 in memory of Susan

With love from Sarah, Stephen and Vicky

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Howard and Lynn Giles donated £71.43 in memory of Susan
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Christina Cheers donated in memory of Susan

Deepest sympathy to Richard for loss of Susan, such a wonderful, warm person.
Love from
Christina and Garry

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Christina Cheers wrote

I am so sad to be writing this. We lost Susan too soon, but we do have wonderful memories to share. Susan and I were cross-corridor neighbours at Crosby Hall 53 years ago, when Susan was studying for her Fellowship and I was post doc-ing. We often shared a table in that beautiful dining hall and went to theatre together regularly. At the national, we saw Laurence Olivier for 5/-, went to the first season of Rosencranz and Gildenstern Are Dead and saw the famous all-male As You like It. When I returned to Australia I was able to visit Sue every couple of years when I travelled for work. Each time the years just fell away. Sue never changed, always ebullient and enthusiastic. Richard appeared, and was equally welcoming, then Garry came along and simply adopted Sue and Richard as his friends too. We have so much enjoyed our visits to them, and theirs to us. A friendship of 53 years is too precious to lose. I will always remember Susan as a very good friend, our closeness defying distance. We extend our deepest sympathy to Richard and hope he will continue as our friend.

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Daphne Forrest wrote

Sue is my oldest friend. We met when we joined the Guides at the age of 11 and the, when she transferred to my school, every day for the next 5 years. we have always stayed in touch ever since and I now cannot believe I will never see her again. She is one of those strong silver threads through my life.
Such a wonderful person: very high standards of behaviour for herself but always kind and considerate to everyone else, from inept waiters to old schoolfriends; highly intelligent with a fiercely enquiring mind which never gives up; very well qualified and highly regarded in her profession yet one of the most modest people I know; with a wide range of other interesta outside her professional life from theatre, France, veteran cars, her many friends, tennis, skiing and gardening. For many years now Sue, Richard and I have met for dinner in Charlotte Street. Conversation never flags, we laugh a lot and I sometimes get help with little quandaries such as some tricky wording, a way of approaching a problem or ideas for a present for a godchild. One abiding memory is of a Girl Guide camp where we were set a range of personal challenges. One was to survive 60 minutes without uttering a word. Much harder than it sounds. Some girls gave up after multiple efforts. It took me three attempts. It took Sue just one. And not in order to beat other people but simply in order always to do her very best.
I still think and speak of Sue in the present tense which seems right somehow. After 66 years, I shall probably continue to do so.

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Ann Pannell donated £20 in memory of Susan

With fondest memories of Susan. I will always remember our outings to BODS and the wonderful meals with Susan and Richard beforehand.

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ROBIN GRAY donated £50 in memory of Susan

With thanks for the help and support offered to both Susan and Richard

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ROBIN GRAY donated £50 in memory of Susan

With thanks for the support given to both Susan and Richard

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