Audrey Mary Chilton (1 Aug 1938 - 20 Feb 2021)
Donate in memory of
AudreyCancer Research UK

Donate in memory of
AudreyMacmillan Cancer Support

Funeral Director
Funeral Arrangements are shown below the obituary.
Born in Herne Hill, London on Monday 1st August 1938 to Harry and Elsie Cooper. Audrey lost her Dad aged 10 and emigrated to Canada with her mother to try a new start close to her elder sister, Lillian. However, Audrey never really adapted to life across the Atlantic, and they returned to the UK 9 months later.
After attending Jessop Road School & Charles Edward Brook School, Audrey started work at Chase Manhattan Bank.
At the age of 18, Audrey married Malcolm Phillips and moved to Tunbridge Wells, where they very quickly had two children, Derek and Susan. Tragically, in the flu epidemic of 1958/9, Audrey was widowed when Malcom died in February 1959. A challenging time for anyone, but especially difficult for someone so young with a one year old son and a two month old daughter.
Audrey returned to Herne Hill to live with her mother and be close to her childhood friends. Raising Derek and Sue with the help of family and friends, she met Peter Chilton, whom she married in 1964 and had a third child, Timothy, in 1965. The family then moved to Tonbridge, where they lived for more than 19 years. Audrey’s final house move was to Paddock Wood, where she lived happily until Peter’s death in 2010 and spent the rest of her independent life there with the support of family and friends. She also found comfort and support in the local bereavement group and joined the University of the third Age (U3A) where she made a number of new friends as well as reconnecting with others.
Audrey suffered a major stroke at home in December 2020, finally passing away peacefully at Tonbridge House Care home in the early hours of Saturday, 20th February 2021.
Audrey, took both Malcolm’s and Peter’s deaths hard, but carried on without complaint. Her dedication to raising her children and unselfish nature made her a wonderful person to be around.
Audrey leaves three children, six grandchildren and three great grandchildren, as well as multiple nieces and nephews.
She will be dearly missed by family and friends alike.
Funeral Arrangements:
We would love for you all to join us in commemorating the life of Audrey, however only 30 people are able to attend her funeral due to current regulations. We also understand that attending a gathering at this time may not be in your own best interest; so we have organised a live video feed of the service so you can share the ceremony with us and be there in spirit.
To join us via the web (video will be available 5 minutes before the service starts at 11:25 am on the 22nd of March 2021)
Click the green login button and use the username and password shown below:
Flowers are welcome but please also consider donating to the one or both of the charities shown on the right so that we can provide a nice donation in Audrey's name.
In the meantime please look through the photographs of Audrey uploaded by her family and please add your own photographs using the add photo button below to share them with everyone. You can also share your stories and memories of Audrey via a comment or message, all of which would be welcome.
posted a picture

Afternoon tea

September 1st 2020, Beth's 21st.

Christmas 2019.

Mum having her hair re-styled.

Plymouth 2017, Joshua's Graduation.

Beth's 21st, September 2020. Chilling in the Garden.
Adam and 'Nanna', East Wittering, August 2011
Audrey with grandchildren Nathan and Adam, and daughter in law Sue, East Wittering, August 2005

Summer 1985

Tim and Audrey, 1984

Just teasing, Christmas 1984

Must have been early on as her nose was not red! Christmas 1984


Lillian, Tim and Audrey, 1980

Venice with Peter, 1989
