John Morrison (29 Jun 1970 - 6 Dec 2024)

Funeral Director

Mansfield & District Crematorium Derby Road Mansfield NG18 5BJ
31st Dec 2024
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In loving memory of John Morrison who sadly passed away on 6th December 2024

Tracey Valvona posted a picture
Always & forever my brother 😢 miss you so much 💔

Always & forever my brother 😢 miss you so much 💔

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Dom Valvona posted a picture
The best uncle a girl could ask for 🩷

The best uncle a girl could ask for 🩷

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Dom Valvona posted a picture
Arabella will forever love and miss you 🩷

Arabella will forever love and miss you 🩷

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Leah Priestley lit a candle
Dominique Valvona wrote

Uncle John
You we’re a favourite to everyone you met
I want you to know i love you and you mean the world to me

You’re the star we’ll always wish upon and the light we’ll always see
We have so many memories Of the times we spent together, And even though you're no longer here, me and arabella will cherish them forever.

We’ll miss your laughter so much and the mischief in your smile.

When we feel the sadness welling up we’ll remember it a while.
For now you are no longer here, You'll never be truly gone.
So long as I have these beautiful memories, Your spirit will forever live on.
So until we see your smile again, we’ll hold you forever in our heart and mind.
A shining example, a funny, loveable man, my uncle John the best of humankind.
Now carry on sleeping and we’ll soon meet again
We love you forever our john boy xxx

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Joanne and wesley Graves wrote

You was like a brother to wes and a good friend to me you john taught wes everything he needed to know you made us laugh when we was out i know I only knew you 7 years seemed like for every you john was a excellent friend and bro let the star shine bright we know you looking down on us rest in peace john till we meet again 💙

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mary brown wrote

u were a great pal John we had some great time all of us u will alway be rememberd an all way in my hart god took u in his arms so rest in peace sleep x

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Kevin Thursby lit a candle
Aunty Lynn Tomlinson wrote

To a wonderful loved nephew.

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Aunty Lynn Tomlinson lit a candle
Nicole Christian lit a candle
Julie Christian lit a candle
Lisa Morrison lit a candle
Alexandra Morrison lit a candle
Lisa Morrison posted a picture
When we got in the premier league babe, I’ll always remember this night, all the games we watched together in the pub, you’re right behind em now, COYR. You’ll always be my bff and I’ll love n miss you forever. Our John 💔❤️‍🩹❤️

When we got in the premier league babe, I’ll always remember this night, all the games we watched together in the pub, you’re right behind em now, COYR. You’ll always be my bff and I’ll love n miss you forever. Our John 💔❤️‍🩹❤️

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Tracey Valvona posted a picture
I will love you forever 😢💔

I will love you forever 😢💔

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Andrew Morrison wrote

You will always be by my side bro x

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Andrew Morrison lit a candle
Ian Smith lit a candle
Karen Hickling wrote

Such sad news to hear of John's passing.
Thinking of Val Tracey Andrew Lisa and their families and friends.Good memories of us all growing up on Limetree Rd god bless love to you all Karen Wendy and families xx ❤️ (Beeston)

R I P John forever in our thoughts xx ❤️



  • Thank you Karen xx

    Posted by Tracy on 3/01/2025 Report abuse
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Karen Hickling lit a candle