Henry Griffiths (30 Jan 1944 - 3 May 2021)

Donate in memory of
HenryMidlands Air Ambulance Charity

£30.00 + Gift Aid of £2.50
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Lichfield and District Crematorium Fradley Lane Lichfield WS13 8GA
19th May 2021
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In loving memory of Henry Griffiths who sadly passed away on 3rd May 2021, aged 77 years. Henry will be sadly missed by all of his family and friends.

Pete Smith donated in memory of Henry
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Lydia Naylor lit a candle
Lydia Naylor wrote

Dear Gramps,
Although our worlds are different now,
Or is that just how it seems,
For I see you when I close my eyes,
Because you’re always in my dreams,
I know you’re up in Heaven,
And looking down on me,
And when I look up at the stars,
I know that’s where you’ll be.
Even though I miss you,
You’re not too far away,
Because my heart is full of memories,
And I treasure them everyday.
Our time on Earth was special,
But it’s only the very start.
So please keep watching over me,
While we’re not so far apart.
Someday the time will come,
When I no longer feel this pain,
That is the day when Heaven calls,
And we will meet again.

Thank you for being a wonderful Gramps.
All my love, Lydia xXx



  • Such a beautiful poem Lydia x

    Posted by Yvonne and Dave on 18/05/2021 Report abuse
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Oliver Naylor wrote

As tough as it is saying goodbye I can very easily say thank you, for the countless wonderful memories, the endless laughs, and a truly dear friend, thank you for being such a great Gramps.



  • Beautiful words Olivet x

    Posted by Yvonne and Dave on 17/05/2021 Report abuse
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Yvonne and Dave Naylor lit a candle
Yvonne and Dave Naylor wrote

Henry, a true friend and my confidant, more than just a cousin. I am proud to say, you are my family and Gramps to Lydia and Oliver.
We love you xx

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Jean Tedeschi donated £20 in memory of Henry

Thinking of you Sandra at this sad time. Love Jean

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T J Parry Funeral Directors lit a candle
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