Dear Gill you may not be here in body but we still have all the lovely and laughs we had x lots of love Gareth an Sue xx
Gill Carmel Sargent (15 May 1955 - 26 Apr 2021)
Donate in memory of
GillLast Chance Animal Rescue

Donate in memory of
GillMacmillan Cancer Support

In loving memory of Gillian Carmel Sargent who sadly passed away on 26th April 2021
As some of you may know, Gill suffered terribly last year following major surgery but was so very brave and strong, was finally discharged hoping for rehabilitation and to enjoy life as normal (or even better) following taking her retirement in the month of May 2020.
Gill was making good progress and adamant to get back on her feet until, in the month of April 2021, Gill was admitted to hospital for a minor procedure to return home a few days later. Unfortunately, 2 days into Gill’s admission myself (Matt) and my partner Charlotte, were hit with devastating news, news that nobody ever wants to hear about their loved one. Gill had rapidly growing stage 4 cancer in multiple places. Not knowing how long Gill had left to survive, myself and Charlotte spent valuable time beside her hospital bed and made sure she was as comfortable as possible, not realising our lives were going to be turned upside down and receiving heart break so soon. Mum sadly passed away only 5 days after being diagnosed at 10.35pm on Monday 26th April.
Gill was a huge animal lover, donated and fundraised to many charities over the years and with her generosity has raised a lot of money for them in the past. We have decided to ask for donations for Last Chance animal rescue based in Edenbridge. At Last Chance they rescue animals of all types, some waiting destruction in Welsh pounds, others handed in to them for whatever reason. They provide medical care, food, shelter and love for them all, to then hopefully find them lasting homes. They rely fully on donations and fundraising events to ensure the animals have the best care.
The other charity we have chosen is Macmillan, because they are so amazing at what they do. Not only providing one to one support to Gill with end of life care but also were a huge help with providing bereavement support to myself and Charlotte. They made Gill so comfortable and nothing was ever too much trouble.
Throughout Gill’s time in hospital, we could not fault the care from the staff on the wards she was on. Last year following the surgery, Gill was in intensive care for a number of weeks, then moved onto Ward 10 and this year Gill spent her final days with the fabulous nurses on ward 33. Although the medical equipment was there, the basic personal care items were very limited. As Gill was in hospital for quite a while, we purchased an inflatable hair washing basin so we could wash Gill’s hair as and when she wanted to make her feel nicer- this really did cheer her up. Therefore, we are asking for donations so we can supply each of the wards Gill was on with these basins, products and hair dryers. It is amazing what effect something so simple and small could do to cheer that one person up. If you would like to donate, please email and we can provide bank details to the specific account we have set up for this purpose.
I am sure you will all have your own fond memories of our lovely Gill who had a complete heart of gold.
Should you wish to watch the service online, please find the log in details below:
Service Date 26-May-21 at 1:45
Service Chapel Crematorium - Kent & Sussex
Username xate6458
Password 926563
Webcast: Live Webcast & Watch Again
Thanks for reading. xx