Robert Wardle (19 Feb 1947 - 26 Apr 2021)
Donate in memory of
RobertPancreatic Cancer UK

Donate in memory of
RobertNottinghamshire Hospice

Funeral Director
In loving memory of Robert Wardle who sadly passed away on 26th April 2021.
Please be aware, that due to the current Covid 19 situation, numbers of mourners are strictly limited.
If desired, donations made payable to Pancreatic Cancer UK or Nottinghamshire Hospice, may be made on the just giving section of this page.
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle
lit a candle

Young and very much in love♡♡♡

Happy memories of the best dad 💙 missing you with every beat of my heart 😢💔

We had some happy times together and I'll always treasure them♡♡♡

My gorgeous Robert♡♡♡

On holiday - happy times ♡

Grandad with some of his grandchildren ♡

Katie-fai with her Grandad ❤

Georgia with her grandad 💞

Megs loved her grandad♡♡♡

Jennie and her Pops on her wedding day♡♡♡

One of his favourite hobbies

You & me forever♡♡♡


Tell me, it's true - there's nothing like me and you♡♡♡

With Lorenzo. Ride it like you stole it🛵

Daddy ❤️

With baby Paul💙💙💙