In memory of dear uncle Len, he always made us smile. Love from David and Linda xx
Leonard Skellon (14 May 1935 - 18 Mar 2021)
Donate in memory of
Leonard Oakhaven Hospice Trust

It is with great sadness to say that Len passed away on Thursday 18th March after a short illness, husband to Di, father to Mark, Wendy and Tim, Grampsie to Leah, Jordan, Megan & Charlie and finally a dear friend to many. Len worked for Sainsburys for over 40 years except for a period of time serving with the Royal Engineers during his national service and met many people who have become life long friends. As many will remember other than his family Len had 3 loves, his cars, gardening and golf. Only he would remember how many cars he owned in his lifetime but I'm sure it was well over 30. Gardening & golf were his two retirement hobbies, he was either maintaining his fantastically colourful garden at the conifers and making over 50 hanging baskets for friends and family or playing the Forest course at Bramshaw, sometimes successfully and other times not quite so.
Len & Di moved from Marchwood to Hythe 3 1/2 years ago and Len could be seen regularly walking down to the village with Alfie the cockapoo in tow where he met and and befriended many of the locals who have been very supportive during his difficult time and is much appreciated by the family.
During his final days he was superbly cared for by Oakhaven Hospice in Lymington and any donations would be welcome to support this wonderful charity.
The funeral for Len will be taking place on Thursday 8th April at 12.15pm but as I am sure you are all aware covid rules does restrict us to 30 attendees but the funeral can be seen online with the following details:
Username - yozi2119
Password - 522506