I want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts about Allan. I am overwhelmed by your generosity. I know the money will be much appreciated by LOROS and put to very good use in continuing their excellent work. Thank you so much from all the Family. Hazel xx
Allan James Pickett Baillie (2 Dec 1946 - 11 Feb 2021)
Donate in memory of
Allan James PickettLOROS, the Leicestershire and Rutland Hospice

Funeral Director
In loving memory of Allan James Pickett Baillie who sadly passed away on 11th February 2021.
Allan grew up in Scone, Perth, the eldest son of Edward and Megan Baillie. Him and his brother James (Jim) were often mistaken for twins.
Allan moved to Glasgow to take up his apprenticeship at Rolls Royce, East Kilbridge in 1964. In 1968 he married his childhood sweetheart, Hazel, they celebrated their milestone 50 years of marriage in 2018. They had two children, Jane & Fraser and more recently welcomed two grandsons, Ewan & Finlay.
Allan finally retired from Rolls Royce in 2008 after 42 years service. He loved the travelling his various roles within RR enabled him to do.
Although he spent over 30 years in Narborough, Leicester, Allan kept strong ties with Scotland and remained friends with so many of the people he grew up with, worked with and of course, played golf with.
Along with golf he had other passions namely skiing, entertaining, gardening and as many of you will remember he loved to fix things (something he did particularly well - all that training paid off!).
The last years of his life were hard, he fought a brave and courageous fight against his cancer, so determined that it would not get in the way of living. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him but will be remembered as the strong, positive, caring, thoughtful and energetic man he was....
lit a candle

Cinque Terre, Liguria 2014
Cinque Terre 2014

Our condolences to Hazel and family. I drink the traditional glass of farewell to Allan in respectful silence. John and Elspeth.

EG Cup Winner 2017. Allan was a valued friend and golfing buddy of over 50 years. The picture is of Allan being presented with the cups in 2017 after 40 years consecutive years of competing. A truly worthy competitor. Allan will be sorely missed by all.
