Joy Carey (Mason) (27 Apr 1958 - 30 Dec 2020)

Donate in memory of
JoyBritish Heart Foundation

£209.10 + Gift Aid of £30.00
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Funeral Director

St Georges Roman Catholic Church Billet Street Taunton TA1 3NN
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Taunton Deane Cemetery Wellington New Road Taunton TA1 5NE


In loving memory of Joy Carey who sadly passed away on 30th December 2020. Joy's Funeral will be a private service due to Covid Restritions and will be by invitation only from the family.

Sean Carey posted a picture
Rest in peace Joy   🙏

Rest in peace Joy 🙏

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Sean Carey lit a candle
Sean Carey lit a candle
Sean Carey lit a candle
Sean Carey posted a picture
Remembering Joy Carey who always was a magnificent mother. As we are now ten months on since since my wife Joy passed away I remember her with great pride. Time does not ease the grief but faith is the real healer.God rest you Joy 🙏🏼You're with God 🙏🏼

Remembering Joy Carey who always was a magnificent mother. As we are now ten months on since since my wife Joy passed away I remember her with great pride. Time does not ease the grief but faith is the real healer.God rest you Joy 🙏🏼You're with God 🙏🏼

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Lotty Mason wrote

Miss you so much Mumma Joy. Maisie and I have spoken about you a lot today. You’ll see why over the weekend. I know you’ll be looking down, smiling at our efforts to make Jord’s Birthday as special as it can be. It will be a tough one without you and especially as it’s fallen on Mother’s Day this year. I know he’s not looking forward to it at all but we will do everything we can to get him through it and to show him how loved he is. I just wish you were here with us. So many times I’ve wanted to talk to you in the last week. It’s a really hard time right now. You were always there to listen. You always knew what to say. You never passed judgement. You gave the best advice and you were always right. Mums know best, as they say and you certainly did. I’d give anything for just one more chat with you. I’ll look after Jord, always. Miss and love you forever. Lots xxx

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Sean Carey lit a candle
Anna-Lisa Saunders lit a candle
Sean Carey posted a picture
In the Kingdom of Kerry With Sheila Galvin RIP. Our last Irish trip to Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Ken Galvin kindly forwarded me this photo, and I thank him. God Rest You Joy and God Rest You Shiela. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

In the Kingdom of Kerry With Sheila Galvin RIP. Our last Irish trip to Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. Ken Galvin kindly forwarded me this photo, and I thank him. God Rest You Joy and God Rest You Shiela. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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June Tildesley donated £40 in memory of Joy
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Sean Carey posted a picture
Outside Saint George’s Church On Her Wedding Day August 2007. With Shiela Galvin RIP and Bill Hannaford from Milverton. Bill gave Joy Away That Day The Warmest Day Of That Year. Our Wedding Reception Was At Taunton Rugby William Mulqueen Was Bestman.

Outside Saint George’s Church On Her Wedding Day August 2007. With Shiela Galvin RIP and Bill Hannaford from Milverton. Bill gave Joy Away That Day The Warmest Day Of That Year. Our Wedding Reception Was At Taunton Rugby William Mulqueen Was Bestman.

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Sean Carey posted a picture
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Sean Carey posted a picture
Joy Carey  Sheila Galvin  Bill Hannaford At Saint George’s Church, Taunton, August 2007.

Joy Carey Sheila Galvin Bill Hannaford At Saint George’s Church, Taunton, August 2007.

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Lucy Costigan wrote

On behalf of our dear cousin Ray McGovern, I'd like to say how sorry we all are in Wexford, Ireland to hear about the passing of Ray's dear friend, Joy. Ray always spoke so highly of Joy and his times on holiday with Sean and Joy in England. Ray was involved in the book I wrote on the stained-glass artist, Harry Clarke and he credited Joy in this book as he had gone to see the Sturminster Newton window when visiting Dorset with the Careys. Sadly Ray passed away in October, 2019. Sincere condolences to Joy's husband, Sean and to all Joy's family.

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Jane Wells wrote

Lovely Lady

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Anna Saunders wrote

Good night mum, today you took with you a piece of all of our hearts. Your service was as beautiful as you. The tributes were so fitting and I know you would have been bursting with pride at all the lovely things said about you. You never knew just how special you were. You always deflected the attention back onto everyone else, but deep down you were truly adored by so many and especially your family. We worshipped you. Absolutely worshipped you. For your wit, your laugh (that only Bren can take off!), your care (sometimes far too much - Anna please don’t drive that way what if you break down at night) 🙊, your generosity - there wasn’t a week went by that the kids didn’t get treats of some description and when I was poorly myself you’d send my favourite foods to cheer me up) and overall your love...for everyone that had the pleasure of being part of your family or held you as a friend. Your love often got me through a tricky time, the reason to this day I want to hug and kiss everyone I meet. You taught us that. To open our arms and love people. To be kind. The reason today your granddaughters wept as we followed you on your last journey and left your in your resting place. Aoife wept because she adored you. Not like a nan but like her second mum. Thank you for helping me raise my girls, they’ll always remember the love and kindness you shared with them and for loving Nick from the moment you met him (even though he’s a Man Utd supporter) he actually turned out to be a pretty good egg. He loved you too, so much and enjoyed winding you up every time you’d speak on the phone.

For the last time, good night mumma (still called you that at 35) 🙊 no more pain, no more suffering but love, catch ups with your ones gone before and a new life where I know you’ll be waiting. Meet you there one day 💕💕

Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
Apsey xxxxxxxx

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Samantha Sipthoroe donated £10 in memory of Joy
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Samantha Sipthorpe wrote

To me Joy was a big hearted fun loving always smiling beautiful lady. She welcomed me in to the family with open arms. We had so much fun and laughter. Rest easy lovely lady 💕

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KElly Ackland lit a candle
anna Saunders donated in memory of Joy

In memory of my darling mum

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William hannaford donated £30 in memory of Joy
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Lee-Anne Sipthorpe wrote

God bless my dear auntie Joy 💕.

May the winds of Heaven blow
Softly and whisper in your ear.
How much we love and miss you
and wish that you were here 💕

Love you always, Lee-Anne xx

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sean carey posted a picture
Wedding Reception Taunton Rugby Club  August 2007   xxx

Wedding Reception Taunton Rugby Club August 2007 xxx

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Lynda Woodward donated in memory of Joy
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Lynda Woodward donated in memory of Joy
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Lynda Woodward wrote

Goodnight and God bless auntie Joy. You'll be missed terribly. Lyn,Steve and Ollie xxx

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Sean Carey wrote

In Memory Of Joy Carey A British Heart Foundation volunteer

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Lee-Anne Sipthorpe lit a candle dogsbody7 lit a candle
Sean Carey wrote

Words fail in that they cannot ever capture the man or woman we mourn deeply and visual memories last much better. And everyone’s grief is personal to them alone after a loss which is so tragic as Joy’s outlook on life was very positive. Her acceptance of her long illness was remarkable with little trace of self pity or why me? Indeed why not me? seemed more Joy Carey as her long battle went on her courage increased.

To sum up Joy’s life would take up an awful lot of space and time starting from 1958 up to 2020 when that fateful day came on December 30th 2020. I assumed she could win her battle but it was not to be that way. She died peacefully at home in Taunton slipping quietly away from excruciating pain and agony.

I know all of us are mortal with our own deaths somewhere around the corner. But we try to avoid thinking too much about it as if we really did our lives would seen futile. Different cultures deal differently with death but it’s beyond mere words or else we lose the reality it presents to us. Joy’s humour and sense of fun were special along with a fine mind. She had real class as well as style taking due pride in herself even when illness hit her Joy she lived in hope. Now at sixty two she returns to the church she married in for her requiem Mass under the care of Crescent Undertakers. Then going to rest in peace in a cemetery she knew very well as she knew many at rest there. It was her choice as expressed by her clearly not too long before her passing along with her wish for the Susan Boyle song. Joy was a giver who loved giving people things with no thought for herself a quality rarely seen in our day which is sad.

As her husband I take great pride in her with our meeting totally accidentally in September 2005 in Killarney but our destiny was to be together. I accepted Joy’s invitation to Taunton and she did not want me to go home but to stay with her here in Taunton. I never ever expected to outlive her so I presumed I would go first without doubt. What we shared was precious and special as covid-19 had us shielding together since March. It gave us time to chat and share the precious moments as well as treasure our memories. And laugh and smile at many things we experienced down through the fifteen years. I enjoyed every microsecond of my relationship and marriage to Joy.

I thank Julie Mason her carer for all she did for Joy and Joy’s own children and grandchildren and great grandchild. Indeed I thank Patricia her late husband Graham’s sister for accepting me along with Bill Hannaford her husband. I thank all who welcomed me to Taunton with affection. Being a city guy meant Joy feared it would be too quiet here but I adapted better than she expected. My first link with Somerset was my stamp collecting hobby which meant buying stamps from Bridgwater in the fifties sixties. Then cricket on the radio from the County Ground which I loved listening to with remarkable commentators.

Covid regulations mean many friends cannot attend which is a pity as they saw Joy as a special lady. When young Joy did very well in the Pear’s soap annual competition which was a major event in the fifties and sixties. I hope the live audience who will be watching see a wonderful loving funeral for Joy from Saint George’s. Joy was a beautiful lady who was loved by everyone with magnificent integrity and honesty. She is soon leaving us but is always there to visit and spend time with at her resting place and with us in spirit. So many loved her deeply who cannot be in Saint George’s and of course if covid hadn’t hit us the church would be packed.

Sleep softly darling your agony is over and your suffering and may God bless your beautiful soul. I thank Thomas and Marie her parents for their first girl Joy and may they also rest in peace. I never expected to be back in Saint George’s with Joy so soon but I recall that day in August 2007 with deep affection. I pray for those who attended our wedding and our reception who have since passed away. Shiela, Derek, Doreen, Ray, Marie, Alan, we remember you with love. The last funeral Joy watched was live from Blackrock in Cork, Ireland. I also remember Brian her brother who passed away over a year ago in Canada. My prayers to Sue his wife who has not long been discharged from hospital.

And my sincere thanks to all who wrote beautiful memories of Joy on here. Then of course James Chorley the superb empathic gentleman from Crescent who cared so well for my dear wife. I also thank Simon, Robert, and all at Crescent Funeral Care who excelled in every way going beyond the call of duty.

Love to all. Calm. Peace. God rest you Joy darling.

Sean Carey

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