Carole Dorothy Marriott (10 Oct 1951 - 31 Mar 2020)

For Charitable
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ROCK Charitable Trust

Funeral Director

Amber Valley Memorial Park Crematorium Derby Road Swanwick DE55 1BH
20th Apr 2020
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Obituary of Carole Dorothy Marriott 10th October 1951 to 31st March 2020

In loving memory of the most amazing woman, Carole Dorothy Marriott. Best friend and devoted wife, mum, grandma and sister.

She passed away suddenly and far too soon after contracting the virus which has taken so many.

Carole was a true inspiration and has touched the lives of countless people with her personal sunshine. She was always ready to laugh, lead, smile and enjoy life to the very limit.

She had such a varied life in family, church, her dog, work, walking and all her other pursuits. She was always busy, finding ways to help others, and make everyone’s life the better for having known her.

After being taken to church with her Auntie Dot at the age of 2, she had a lifelong passionate faith and had been active and joyful in this and all aspects of the church community ever since.

She was a very lively member at South Normanton Community Church and previously Junction 28 Church.

She loved to work with children, and they all loved to see her smiling face at church craft and childrens church. This work led her to travel to India three times, with her church family, in support of an orphanage in Machilipatnam. It is in in her wishes to have donations in lieu of flowers for this orphanage, please donate to ROCK – Reaching Out to the Community for the Kingdom. She asked that we raise money to take the children on a trip for a seaside picnic. Please see justgiving link below.

Due to current restriction surrounding funeral arrangements the family are planning a Life Celebration when we can all get together and celebrate with fun and love and laughter. Date to be arranged.

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George Kelly posted a picture


  • Picture of Carole and Stuart holding newborn baby George 1997 x

    Posted by George on 22/04/2020 Report abuse
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George Kelly posted a picture


  • Carole & Stuart top of summit

    Posted by George on 22/04/2020 Report abuse
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Helen Devey lit a candle
Julie Saxby lit a candle
Joanne Merriman lit a candle
Paul and Jennifer Tonks lit a candle
Nick & Jo Merriman lit a candle
David Merriman lit a candle
Barrie & Sandra Hawkins lit a candle
Glenys & Mick Rhodes lit a candle
Mick Rhodes wrote

So shocked to hear the sad news of Caroles passing. I have known Carole what seems like all my life. I knew her at School but mainly became wonderful friends in our teens. Through the Youth Club at Kilburn Baptist we formed a lovely friendship with all our group of teenagers & started attending the Church. She was converted through a Billy Graham Meeting and as a group with the friendship and fellowship we started the Young Peoples Choir. What a wonderful time of fellowship & fun we had. It was certainly a time of bonding between all of us.
I was Best Man at your first wedding, but unfortunately he didn’t realise what a wonderful person he had married. Then came Stuart who fulfilled your life & was the husband you deserved.
Unfortunately you then moved away & I didn’t see so much of you. Just meeting every so often at Specials at the Baptist.
It’s not long since we spent the evening at our friend Mick’s wedding & it was just like old times with fun & laughter. Carole was always fun to be with.
I can’t say how much Carole will be missed. Her word & teaching in all she did will be missed by all who knew her.
My heart goes out to all the family & of course Emma, Kate & Zoe. But especially to Stuart.
All the very best to all.
Our prayers are with you.
Love from Mick & Glenys Rhodes

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George Kelly wrote

Dear Grandma Carole,
For the short 22 years of knowing you I couldn’t have asked for a better grandma than you. Your caring, thoughtful & selfless personality is something to admire, there was never a dull moment with you, with my passion to lovingly wind you up & your urge to give me a smack will be remembered.
Thank you for all the times you took me to Matlock to the arcades, Dovedale, where you promised me the stones weren’t slippery but ended up with my sock soaking wet & all the camping adventures we had to name a few, don’t worry, I’ll be better at scrabble one day.
My promise letter that states, I will visit you until I’m 14 defiantly over ran it’s expiry date, mainly due to fact of me loving your company more than anything & your fantastic evening buffets of course.
There are too many things I could write to you grandma but I know you’re somewhere in peace, so rest easy until we meet again. Love you Grandma. George xxxx

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Gill Battison lit a candle
Gill Battison wrote

Our love, prayers and sincere condolences to the family, friends, neighbours and church community of Carole. The Bridge Church Leadership Team.



  • Thanks Gill

    Posted by Alanna on 8/04/2020 Report abuse
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Ruth and Larry Walker wrote

Our very sincere condolences to the family. We feel so sad for you all . Carole was the loveliest lady and we are so privileged to have known her and worshipped the Lord together. She was such a kind person with a heart for the Lord and her ministry to children over so many years was so precious . She will have influenced so many youngsters . On a personal level she was so kind and understanding with our grandson Reuben when she taught him in Sunday School . His parents Rachel and Liam Newby also send their condolences and have good memories of a lovely kind lady . Love to you all .

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Margaret Bunting lit a candle
Amanda Burnham wrote

I’m so shocked and saddened by this news, I groomed Murphy for many years, I only saw her a couple of weeks ago. Such a lovely lady xx



  • Thank you, its very devastating Ps- Murphy doing well.

    Posted by Alanna on 8/04/2020 Report abuse
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Amanda Burnham lit a candle
Graham Bunting wrote

I go along way back with Carole, I remember her first steps on her Christian footpath, I guess the turning point in her life was at a Billy Graham crusade and she never looked back. Carole was very much involved in our Church at Kilburn Baptist, first our Young People’s group, youth group nights, then of course our Young Peoples choir. Carole loved music, I know nothing about music but I am sure Carole was able to sing all four parts that included bass. Carole also took meetings as we went out to spread Gods word, she was a valuable member of our group and of our Church. Carole became a teacher in the Sunday School and there taught for many years, Emma, Kate and Zoe also attended. Carole moved away and it was a massive loss to us. Carole came to take meetings on a Wednesday and our Sunday meetings in fact she been to take a meeting just a few weeks ago. Our prayers are with the family at this time. There isn’t enough room to tell you more about Carole and her part in our Church at Kilburn, but Carole will be sadly missed by all, especially for her enthusiasm, dedication, witness and her preaching of Gods word. I have a photo of Carole which is very dear to my heart, I guess she would be 17 or 18, she is with a group but one of the group was my little brother Pete who of course was killed in a tragic accident at 19.

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Sandra Sanderson lit a candle
Ruth Walker lit a candle
Gordon Rice lit a candle
Pat Willis lit a candle
Jill Neal wrote

Carole I have known you all of my life . Living on Mayfield ave. we all played ,had picnics and fun together I remember having sales in your shed to raise money for Dr Barnardos .Our paths have crossed many times since those carefree happy days for both work and church . I feel so very sad at your passing but know you are now safe in the arms of Jesus . I send condolences and love to all the family . God bless Jill Neal

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Debra & phil Broughton lit a candle
Anita & Tony Wright lit a candle
Samantha Taylor wrote

I only knew Carole just over a year, but I loved her enthusiasm and energy. She was willing, committed and such a good witness. So very sorry to hear of her death. She will be missed by so many, but the impact her life had says so much about her.
My prayers are with her family and friends hurting at this time.
May you rest in peace and rise in Glory Carole. Xxxx

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Rosie and Philip Wilson lit a candle
Julie and Dave Wilson lit a candle
Gerry & Mark West lit a candle
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