Julian Philip Holmes (16 Nov 1966 - 5 Jan 2020)

Donate in memory of
JulianHeart Research UK

£510.00 + Gift Aid of £120.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Test Valley Crematorium Ridge Lane Romsey SO51 6AA
10th Feb 2020
Open map

Paultons Golf Centre Salisbury Road Romsey SO51 6AN
10th Feb 2020


In loving memory of Julian Philip Holmes who sadly passed away on 5th January 2020.

braemar lodge donated £55 in memory of Julian

Rest in peace Julian you will be missed by all at Braemar Lodge forever in our hearts

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Sarah Sayers donated £60 in memory of Julian

In memory of Julian
Kathleen, Michael Sarah Jane and Jack

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Delphine Holmes wrote

Julian Holmes Tribute
My thanks to all for the lovely tributes and comments spoken and written to honour Julian, from his many work colleagues spanning 30 years or so, his peers at school and college and from his family, these have been of such comfort to me, I had no idea that he was held in such high esteem by you all. The eloquence of the Matcham tribute from each one in name, thank you Graham, and to my lovely grandchildren Thomas and Errin for their tribute to my amazing son.
I would now like to pay my tribute to Julian from the Holmes family, I was too traumatised and emotional to speak this myself yesterday.
Auntie Frances, at the age of 90 is our matriarch who with Uncle Fred were instrumental in guiding Julian in his formative years, Uncle Michael and Auntie Kathleen, my brother Roger and Vera, my sister Brenda, adding to our close knit family framework and were very much in evidence instilling in Julian his values in life. We all enjoyed Julian’s antics, clowning and entertaining as he grew up. To his big sister Rebecca who was still looking after him, sewing on his buttons and baking for him to the last, and David whom Julian adored when he joined the Holmes family, to play board games with and kicking a football about. My thanks also to my other lovely granddaughters, Charlotte and Michelle who Julian loved to tease over the years, they have both given me such support and comfort in my hours of need, together With Charlottes husband Richard, who was a great strength to my girls yesterday. To my terrific great grandchildren in chronological order – Chardonnay, Alfie, Jamie, Tennant, Emmett and little Carley Irene who have given me an abundance of love and the strength to continue. Last of all to Julian’s cousins Eugene, Sarah Jane, Gillian, Derek, Jonathon and Ruth who enriched Julian’s life, adding to our treasured memories of Family occasions too numerous to mention. We have all contributed to the nurturing of this amazing and caring individual, my Son. Thank you Carl we both created an outstanding young man. Last but not least, my thanks to Sarah who has continued to hold the family together and to be a tremendous daughter-in-law in supporting the Holmes’s over the years
Love to you all, Delphine.

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Rosie and Carl Mitch donated £20 in memory of Julian

Our lovely Uncle Julian. Sleep peacefully ❤️

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Julie McGuiness donated in memory of Julian
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Sue Cole donated £50 in memory of Julian
A beautiful service for a lovely man Sleep peacefully dear Julian you are so going to be missed x x

A beautiful service for a lovely man Sleep peacefully dear Julian you are so going to be missed x x

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David Bailey donated £50 in memory of Julian

Thank you for your friendship and all the many laughs

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Rebecca Hayter wrote

If anyone is arriving early for Julian's Funeral you are welcome to join us for coffee at the Vine Inn, Romsey Road, Ower, Romsey So51 6zj,

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Debbie & Graham Matchan posted a picture
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Debbie & Graham Matchan posted a picture
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Debbie & Graham Matchan posted a picture
So many fabulous family holiday memories.  Never one to shy away from dressing up!!!

So many fabulous family holiday memories. Never one to shy away from dressing up!!!

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Debbie & Graham Matchan donated £50 in memory of Julian

So many wonderful, funny and crazy memories
We will all miss you

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Michel and Caren Vanden-Eynde donated in memory of Julian

So sorry to hear. You are part of the happiest memories and laughter of The Vine. Difficult to believe. Rest well. Our love to you all.

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Godfrey Cook wrote

Jules you were a complete legend, good laugh to work with and to have a giggle with socially, still in shock, RIP mate, thoughts go out to all the family xx

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Sharon Dunning donated £10 in memory of Julian

RIP Julian , so many great memories working with you at the Vine my thoughts are with you Sarah, Tom & Erinn

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Sue Cole posted a picture
Fondest memories 💙

Fondest memories 💙

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Charlotte Wilson donated £20 in memory of Julian

Best wishes to Julian's family from everyone at Canford Chase. He was a lovely guy and will be very sadly missed.

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Mike Worley donated in memory of Julian

Such sad news and a real shock. Remembering the good times working with Jules at The Vine. Always had a smile on his face. Our thoughts are with you Sarah, Tom and Errin.

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Kathryn Cullin donated £20 in memory of Julian

Sending our love to you all. RIP Julian xx

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Tom Holmes donated in memory of Julian
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Bob Barnett donated £20 in memory of Julian

Rest well mate, you were taken too soon. You were part of the happiest time of my working life.

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Lisa Lawley wrote

I was both saddened and shocked to hear of Julian's sudden passing. He was the nicest, kindest and happiest person I think I have ever met. So happy singing and whistling at work all the time. I didn't know him very well but he was a person that I will never forget just because of the person he was. RIP Julian, you will be missed x

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Heather Annear posted a picture
Our Colten Club day out last year xx

Our Colten Club day out last year xx

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Michel VandenEynde wrote

Hi Sarah
I would like to attend
Pls let me know



  • of course you’re welcome

    Posted by Errin on 25/01/2020 Report abuse
  • Mr V you would be most welcome.It will be good to see you. Sarah

    Posted by Sarah on 25/01/2020 Report abuse
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Linda Otto wrote

Our thoughts are with you all. Taken far to young. Sending love and prayers.

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Nina Mindova wrote

My condolences to the family. Sad to hear that. Jilian was a great guy.

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Karen Solis Velasco wrote

RIP Julian x

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Karen Solis Velasco donated £10 in memory of Julian

RIP Julian x

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Mariana Neagu wrote

My condolences to the family.Julian was a great guy,he will be very missed .

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Philip Burt wrote

Hi Sarah if its ok i would like to attend



  • It will be good to see you Phil x Sarah

    Posted by Sarah on 25/01/2020 Report abuse
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