Margaret (Mags) Portman (27 May 1974 - 6 Feb 2019)

Funeral Director

Parochial Hall Oakwood Fitzroy Drive Leeds LS8 4AB
6th Mar 2019
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Leeds Golf Club Elmete Lane Leeds LS8 2LJ
6th Mar 2019


In loving memory of Margaret (Mags) Portman who sadly passed away on 6th February 2019
Mags was the much loved wife of Martin and a devoted mother to boys Edward and Freddie. She will be greatly missed by her mum Denise and brother Jeff and all her family and friends she had both professionally and personally.

Family flowers only at the service however Martin and family have asked that donations to charity can be made at the service.

The charity will be Mesothelioma UK & donations will go to a scientific research project to establish whether or not Health Care workers in the UK have a higher risk than the average poulation of contracting mesothelioma. If such a link is established then Mesothelioma UK will attempt to launch training guidlines called the 'Mandatory Asbestos Guidelines for NHS Employees' in Mags' honour. Any donations will be ring fenced & used only for this purpose.

Alex Bass wrote

I was in Margaret's form at Ackworth. We went close but I was always impressed by her wit ethic, her obvious intelligence, and most of all by her kind heart.
She is a big loss to the world and I will always remember her fondly.

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Lee Curran wrote

I’ve only just found out this awful news. I’m so sorry for the loss of mags and hope the family will remember her laughter as I do. We worked together in Glasgow and her help will never be forgotten. Will miss our Twitter chats. Xx

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Ian Wright wrote

Chris, Emma, Jon and I are so sorry to hear of your loss. We all remember the times that we shared in Maltby, when all were children and enjoyed each other’s company. Margaret was a delightful and amazing child who brougt fun to all of our lives.

Ian, Chris, Emma and Jon

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