Andrejs Krievkalns (6 Dec 1989 - 4 Jan 2025)

Funeral Director

East London Crematorium Grange Road Plaistow E13 0HB
14th Feb 2025
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In loving memory of Andrejs Krievkalns who sadly passed away on 4th January 2025

Andrejs was a father, a husband, a son, a son in law and a great friend. He was a kind, supportive and generous person. He had a big heart and never hesitated to support everyone around him. He was devoted to his family, and did everything he could for his wife and his daughter.

Andrejs was a keen driver and made a lot of trips by car to other counties with his family. He also loved cycling and playing guitar. His greatest joy in life was spending his time with his daughter Elizabeth and his wife Katerina.

I am attending: The Funeral Neither
Jelena Milosavljevic lit a candle
Katerina Glazyrina lit a candle
Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
Thank you for taking care of me in so many different gentle ways ✨️ 💕 🙏

Thank you for taking care of me in so many different gentle ways ✨️ 💕 🙏

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Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
Me and Lizzie will hold on to great memories that we made together ❤️

Me and Lizzie will hold on to great memories that we made together ❤️

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Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
This was a very good and a happy day for us visiting Santa Claus. Thank you for all the trips and events that we had together ❤️  We miss you everyday ❤️ I miss you every day ❤️

This was a very good and a happy day for us visiting Santa Claus. Thank you for all the trips and events that we had together ❤️ We miss you everyday ❤️ I miss you every day ❤️

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Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
Finding your photos accidentally has become very difficult and very comforting at the same time. I miss you today and always 💗

Finding your photos accidentally has become very difficult and very comforting at the same time. I miss you today and always 💗

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Shelly Hazizi lit a candle
Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
You were a wonderful father to our Lizzie 💗

You were a wonderful father to our Lizzie 💗

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Eike Saartee lit a candle
Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
I will make sure to tell Lizzie about you and all the amazing times you had together ❤️ She keeps on telling me how much she misses you ❤️

I will make sure to tell Lizzie about you and all the amazing times you had together ❤️ She keeps on telling me how much she misses you ❤️

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Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
At the moment every day is harder and harder without you ❤️ We are thinking about you all the time ❤️ Please look after us from the above 🙏

At the moment every day is harder and harder without you ❤️ We are thinking about you all the time ❤️ Please look after us from the above 🙏

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Sachelle Brooks lit a candle
Beatriz Tapia lit a candle
Janis Krievkalns lit a candle
Aleksei Glazyrin wrote

Мне очень жаль



  • ❤️

    Posted by Katerina on 7/02/2025 Report abuse
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Aleksei Glazyrin lit a candle
Aya Nishimura lit a candle
Umi Smith lit a candle
Людмиа Янева lit a candle
Marins Glazyrina lit a candle
Katerina Glazyrina posted a picture
Above all you were my best friend for almost 20 years 💔❤️

Above all you were my best friend for almost 20 years 💔❤️



  • Молодые и счастливые!

    Posted by Marins on 6/02/2025 Report abuse
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Marins Glazyrina posted a picture
12.02.2024. Belgrad.

12.02.2024. Belgrad.



  • ❤️

    Posted by Katerina on 6/02/2025 Report abuse
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Boris Glazyrin lit a candle
Seonaid Redden lit a candle
Ruby SIddiqui is attending the funeral
Ruby SIddiqui lit a candle
Alison M lit a candle
Jernej Ule lit a candle
Angela Cheong lit a candle
Anete Krievkalne is attending the funeral
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