Joanne Marie Lunn (22 Sep 1968 - 14 Jan 2025)

For Charitable
Donations To

Clinic 9 Kingsmill Hospital (Welcome Treatment Centre)

Funeral Director

Mansfield & District Crematorium Derby Road Mansfield NG18 5BJ
13th Feb 2025
Open map

Kingsway Cemetery Kingsway Kirkby-in-Ashfield NG17 7GE
13th Feb 2025

Ashfield RUFC Larkwood Park, Twickenham Road Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17 8SF
13th Feb 2025


In loving memory of Joanne Marie Lunn who sadly passed away on 14th January 2025
Joe was my loving wife and we had the best 20 years anyone could ever wish for I will always love and miss her because she was perfect in every way .
We met when we were just 15 and for me it was love the most gorgeous generous and giving person anyone could wish for but like all teenagers we eventually went our separate ways .
But by magic in the mid 90s joes mum and sister walked into a shop I was running and I told her mum it was the only girl I’d ever wanted to marry,a few weeks later I saw Joe for the first time since I was 16 nothing had changed our eyes met and it was instant ,and come Christmas joe had sent me a Christmas card on friends re united the rest was history weeks later we met up and our love blossomed .
Joe throughly loved her work and was very driven and a person you could turn to for anything be it advice ,an ear to listen,a friend,or even help and mentoring to help people for fill there ambitions .
The nhs and all the different jobs she did in her work career was her passion and often worked late into the night to get the job done or a paper finished.
She made so many friends some very close but 100s of people she visited or came across on a day to day basis .
Out of work joe had many passions she loves shopping with her mum Barbara and she loves a theatre show to which she went to so many over the years
She had as a wonderful brother Nigel who she adored and a baby sister Hayley who always reminded me of Joe when she was growing up.
Joe was a family woman loved being there for her family whenever she was needed and wether it work or me she would drop everything to be there for all of them because her love for her family was so strong .
Joe loved music and although she was a big Duran Duran fan growing up she also loved take that and so many other artists a lot wouldn’t even know .
Many times we went to see take that especially ,all over the country the shows were amazing and Duran Duran again when it was possible but she also followed Paul Weller and aka music greatly going allover the country to see him .
She loved scooters and we travelled many a mile on a weekend to various places Scotland the isle of white for a weekend of dancing and live music with various scooter friends .
Joe loves travelling and together in the 20 years together we went to many wonderful places around the world .
She loves America going there on her 40th she dragged me because I didn’t want to go but I loved every minute of it with her and going many times again over the years to New York . San fransisco,Hollywood,Grand Canyon were hired a helicopter to fly over it.she hated the sea until we went to Mexico were I told her we’re swimming with dolphins tomorrow so you’ve got to brave it , it was like getting into a bath and once she was in she loved it
She also loves a simple get away weather it a week in the sun or a week or two at our caravan in scarbourgh which we loved and went many times through joes illness as her passion to fly went and she preferred closer to home .
Hobbies wow she loves knitting always click click click over the years in stages she enjoyed walking and she adores taking our three pugs .she like
Many loved her soaps always on record so she could binge watch when we got back from holidays etc.
I think her biggest passion was us in 20 years we’ve seldom been apart we loved each others company
What else can I say I’ll probably add more thoughts as and when I think of them
Joes cancer was a horrible stage in her life did she complain no never she got on with everyday life the best she could for a very long time and smiled everyday joe wasn’t one for giving up she was a fighter and she fought long and hard for nearly 3 years having some terrible times on the way she still got on with it she battled till the very end and died very peacefully smiling .
I held her hand for days and days and cared for her the very best I could I even watched both mama Mia’s the night before
She passed for her I’m not sure what see saw but she would have heard the music because she loves Abba to.

Karen Wilson lit a candle
Nicola Graham lit a candle
Claire Madine wrote

I just wish I could have met Jo in happier times. Despite her cancer she always had a smile for everyone and her beautiful personality shone through. Her courage and fight during her treatment was an inspiration to others. It was an absolute honour to have been a part of her journey. She will always be one of the originals of the ‘5FU gang’ and I so miss the laughs we all had despite the circumstances. Vinny, please know that all of us that had the honour of treating and knowing Jo from clinic 9 will be thinking of you tomorrow. My heartfelt condolences to you all. RIP beautiful lady 💕



  • I was also one of the original “5FU Gang” where I met & got to know Joe. Inspite of the unwelcome club we had all become a part of, we had lots of laughs & fun in clinic 9, which I believe helped us all get through the treatment & tough times. Joe was such a beautiful soul, inside & out & will be greatly missed.

    Posted by Sara on 13/02/2025 Report abuse
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Paula Longden lit a candle
Lesley Dawes is attending the funeral
Gary Cartwright lit a candle
Kay and brian Flint wrote

God bless Joanne we will be thinking of u on ur funeral date love Kay and Brian xx

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Kay and brian Flint lit a candle
Brian Flint lit a candle
Selina Utting lit a candle
Judith Moody lit a candle
Judith Moody lit a candle
Joanne BALL lit a candle
Barry Stockton-Tate is attending the funeral
Wendy Saviour lit a candle
JOANNE PHILLIPS lit a candle
Helen Tomlinson lit a candle
Vincent Lunn posted a picture
Happiest day of our lives

Happiest day of our lives

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Barry Stockton-Tate lit a candle
Barry Stockton-Tate wrote

So many fond and happy memories of Joe. I was fortunate to have had the experience of working with Joe for several years when she was leading on primary care finance, and also when she moved to head up primary care commissioning for the East Midlands. She was such an inspirational colleague to have worked with, and so incredibly hard working and focused on delivering for the benefit of all concerned. No job was ever too big nor too small, and she always made the time to help people, no matter who you were, or how busy she was herself.
On a personal note, my husband and I were truly honoured that Joe and Vinny were able to join us for our wedding reception to celebrate with us back in 2017. We were also subsequently so chuffed that Joe was able to come to my leaving do, when a group of us went over to Manchester for a fabulous night out back in the late summer of 2018. Above all, I will always cherish Joe’s huge warmth, her effervescent and bubbly personality, the infectious giggly laugh, and finally that beautiful and glowing smile, which always lit up not only her own face, but also any room she was in at the time. Joe had that incredible superpower to be able to change the energy in any group from downbeat to truly positive and pro-active in seconds.
Finally, I wanted to just say a heartfelt thank you to you Joe, for all the inspiration, learning and laughter you brought to both my life, and no doubt countless others. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Vinny and all the family at this most sad of times.



  • Thank you so very much this was lovely to read Barry I’ll miss her everyday forever she not only inspired everyone she inspired me and helped me be the person I am today , she smiled throughout her long battle yes we had lots of tears but she was happy for the life we had . We really enjoyed your wedding it was a wonderful event xx

    Posted by VINCENT on 26/01/2025 Report abuse
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Diane Carby lit a candle
Darren Mills wrote

Very sad to hear this news. Me and my wife lived next to Joe and Vinny on Oxford Street over 10 years ago and found both Joe and Vinny to be lovely neighbours and people and very welcoming , Joe was always very happy go lucky and we could not wish for nicer people to share as neighbours. Sending all our love x



  • Yes when we first got together we loved Oxford street with buster and red thank you dianne

    Posted by VINCENT on 26/01/2025 Report abuse
  • Darren even

    Posted by VINCENT on 26/01/2025 Report abuse
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Darren & Kristin Mills lit a candle
Abi Heal lit a candle
Vicky Strong (nee Whitehead) lit a candle
Lamara, Asher and Teyira lit a candle
Deborah Daly lit a candle
Cara Bennett wrote

Life can be so cruel sometimes, sadly it’s taken one of the finest.
My memories I’ll never forget ,you was my special sister ❤️❤️❤️



  • She certainly was no one finer xx

    Posted by VINCENT on 23/01/2025 Report abuse
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Kay Gregory is attending the funeral
Avril Lancashire is attending the funeral