Peter David Blowers (13 Dec 1941 - 31 Dec 2024)

For Charitable
Donations To

Inland waterways Association

Funeral Director

Trellis House Chapel 190 South Street Dorking RH4 2ES
24th Jan 2025
Open map

The White Horse High Street Dorking RH4 1BE
24th Jan 2025


In loving memory of Peter David Blowers who sadly passed away on 31st December 2024. Donations via

Kath McMahon Stone wrote

Sad to hear of Peter's passing. Although I hadn't seen him for over 30 years since I left PCD, I remember him fondly. As Jenny has already said he always had the patience to explain anything and never failed to spare his time to help anyone who asked. I'm so glad to hear that he seems to have enjoyed a good few years of his retirement on canal boats. It seems he was smoking and enjoying a coffee until the end, which is certainly the Peter I remember! How he must've hated it when smoking was banned in offices and public places :-) RIP

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Kath McMahon Stone lit a candle
Dusty Miller wrote

What times we had over so many years. Band practices in the early years, all those canal trips and the more recent trips aboard the Foreward. I'll miss you mate. I'm sorry I can't make it to say goodbye but I'll be thinking of you from Australia. Swing those heavenly choirs Pete. Dusty

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John & Brenda Francis lit a candle
Les Freeland wrote

Well Peter, time to say goodbye. The last few years of looking after many of your needs have been a pleasure and at times a challenge!
We had some lovely chats over a coffee and ciggy on the patio, and of course trips to the pub after shopping. I dreaded the day I would find you on the floor and really didn't expect it to be the last time you would be at home.
You enjoyed the garden and I liked to maintain it for you. Rest now. No more falling over.



  • Well done for your care and friendship with Peter that we shared. He was a unique character indeed

    Posted by Richard on 24/01/2025 Report abuse
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Amanda Stanbridge lit a candle
Richard Atkins wrote

I think Peter found me in 2000 with a photo of me when taking a video of him at A Jazz session. We bounced our humor against each other for many years in his Dorking haunt's. I grew a bond with this special gentleman which I will never forget

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Susan Wardell wrote

I have such fond memories of Peter when we worked in PCD all those years ago. I remember him speaking about his boating holidays and the enjoyment of playing in a band. And I still have many photos he took of us all at the office, including a great one of Peter when someone turned the camera on him.
He was a kind person who was very good at his job and helpful to his colleagues.
Iā€™m glad we kept in touch over the years through our Christmas cards.
Rest in peace Peter.

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Susan Wardell lit a candle
Shaun Challis is attending the funeral
Helen Dwyer lit a candle
AMANDA STANBRIDGE is attending the funeral and the reception
Dave Illingworth is attending the funeral and the reception
Richard Meek wrote

Friendship spanning a lifetime of so many happy memories, sharing barge holidays, band practices and in our earlier years, many hours spent walking in Nonsuch Park. Happy days.
Sadly missed, rest in peace PeeWee
Love Richard and Margaret

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Richard Meers lit a candle
Shaun Challis wrote

I first met Peter in 1980 a few years into my working career when I was moved to the Private Clients Department. He was always extremely helpful and like many others I was fortunate to benefit from his knowledge and experience.

He continued to be a great colleague and more importantly a friend over many years. RIP Peter

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Terry Marsh lit a candle
Nigel Whiting wrote

Some years ago I played in a band with Peter. A charming and considerate man and a wonderful musician. Happy days. Sadly we will not be able to attend the funeral as we live so far away. Rest in peace Peter. Love Nigel and Gay Whiting.

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Moira Walker wrote

Peter thank you for all your help over the many many years working in PCD you certainly were the go to person if anyone had problems you were always so willing to help I have many fond memories.
I remember you talking about being in a jazz band and how you enjoyed it.
May you rest in peace.

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Susan White lit a candle
Jenny Youngblood lit a candle
Jenny Youngblood wrote

Dear Peter,
I had the pleasure to work with you and spent many an hour being helped and guided by you. You had patience and time for everyone. May you rest in eternal peace šŸ™šŸ»

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Moira Walker lit a candle
Peter Clarke lit a candle
Bernice Smart lit a candle
Hari Aggarwal lit a candle
Michelle Drain wrote

Peter, you took me under your wing when I started working with you to which I am truly grateful. I admired your writing with your beloved fountain pens. I can still spot that artistic, fluent style of yours! The laughs we had, you with your pint & cigarette at lunchtime, then a quick forty winks at your desk, oh they were happy days. I missed you when you retired, but as you know I never forgot you. You were kind, considerate and selfless. Rest in peace.

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Michelle Drain lit a candle