Brother if heaven had a phone I would give you a bell, I hope you’re at peace mate up there,, I brought my daughter to the pub after your funeral yesterday, you never got to meet her but I felt like you would of seen her yesterday because I felt u all over bro🩷 Thank you for being a friend of mine for the last 23 years, just because you’re gone in the physical ,, I know your here in the spiritual, stay close bro, Love from Sean and Romani-Rae Ambrose🩷 Eternal love 😇🤍🤍🤍 You’ll never walk alone, not ever🤍🤍
John Michael Comery (17 Nov 1973 - 17 Dec 2024)
Donate in memory of
JohnMind, Nottingham
£270.00 + Gift Aid of £35.00
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In partnership with
Funeral Director
In loving memory of John Michael Comery who sadly passed away on 17th December 2024