Maureen Paula Mee (19 Sep 1953 - 2 Dec 2024)

Donate in memory of
Maureen PaulaCancer Research UK

£540.00 + Gift Aid of £70.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Bramcote Crematorium 'Serenity Chapel' Coventry Lane Bramcote Beeston Nottingham NG9 3GJ
17th Jan 2025
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On the 02nd December, Maureen/Mo/ Grandma suddenly passed away, leaving John, Jacqueline, Madeline and their families shocked.

Since then, we have been remembering her life, contacting the people whose lives she made richer.

We have laughed and cried at some of these memories, we especially took comfort from looking back through old photos and seeing her through the years from being a baby in Liverpool, growing up alongside her brother Peter, becoming a wife to John and a Mother to Jacqueline and Madeline, through to a recent family trip away with the grandchildren, Alfie, Sophia, Joshua and Toby.

She was always keen to learn and help others to grow to their full potential. She loved her life in the lab, and science was a real passion. There have been lovely messages from the people she worked with.

Since retiring, she had loved her holidays, spending time with 'The Mermaids' and her Sunday night drink with friends, putting the world to rights over a bottle of wine.

We would love to share your memories of her at her funeral on Friday 17th January 2025 at Bramcote Crematorium, Coventry Lane, Stapleford, NG9 3GJ at 11am, and afterwards at The Broad Oak, Strelley village, NG8 6PD from 12pm. Please let us know if you are joining us, so that we can cater appropriately.

A strong woman has been taken from us, too soon but will live on in our hearts and memories forever.

Jane Arnold donated in memory of Maureen
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Offline donation: Retiring Fund donated in memory of Maureen
Offline donation: David and Geri Griffins donated in memory of Maureen
Offline donation: Bob Rose donated in memory of Maureen
Offline donation: Uwe Viukemeier donated in memory of Maureen
Offline donation: John Tregilgas donated in memory of Maureen
Offline donation: Maureen and Jim Holmes donated in memory of Maureen
Ambreen Khan is attending the funeral
Mick Stokes lit a candle
Michael Stokes donated £120 in memory of Maureen

Thinking of you all today. Love Control

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Fiona Coutts donated in memory of Maureen
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Christine Swindell donated £30 in memory of Maureen

With heartfelt condolences.

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Evadne Fisher donated £20 in memory of Maureen

You will be missed more than you know. Rest peacefully, dearest Mo

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Howard Hunt donated £30 in memory of Maureen

In memory of Mo. A lovely lady

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Susan Cooper donated £20 in memory of Maureen

Will be sadly missed and never forgotten

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Susan Cooper lit a candle
Kateryna and Bohdan Skrypec lit a candle
Bohdan Skrypec lit a candle
Carole & Ray Harriman is attending the funeral
Denise Collyer lit a candle
Ann Ceurstemont lit a candle
Pauleen Wright donated £20 in memory of Maureen

We will miss you Mo

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Maureen And Jim Holmes is attending the funeral
Rose Gethings lit a candle
Fiona Coutts lit a candle
Val Chadwick lit a candle
Sudan Kelham lit a candle
Evadne Fisher lit a candle
John Roland Mee posted a picture


  • We won’t forget her. M xx

    Posted by Maureen on 30/12/2024 Report abuse
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