Lorna Bradford (Passed away 29 Nov 2024)

Donate in memory of
LornaCancer Research UK

£225.42 + Gift Aid of £43.75
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Southampton Crematorium, East Chapel Bassett Green Road Southampton SO16 3QB
17th Jan 2025
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In loving memory of Lorna Lesley Bradford who sadly passed away on 29th November 2024.

Den Mckee donated £30 in memory of Lorna

In loving and fondest memories. At peace. Den and Carol McKee. X

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Phil & Carolyn Mckee donated £25 in memory of Lorna

Rest in Peace

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ALEX DOCHERTY donated in memory of Lorna

Every time I met with Lorna I was met with a happy lovely welcoming smile, which I will always remember.
You will be sadly missed.

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Lynda Watton wrote

Our lovely Auntie Lorna, we will always remember you and how you were such a large part of our lives. Reunited with Uncle John. Love Lynda, Lee and family. X

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Hannah Patrick donated £20 in memory of Lorna

You were a wonderful lady auntie lorna. Will always remember you as the queen with a lovely suntan You will be missed xx

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Hannah Patrick lit a candle
Jonathan Bradford posted a picture
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Jonathan Bradford wrote

In loving memory of my Grandma Lorna, I will miss you deeply but always remember all the happy times we had together.
Rest peacefully, Grandma.

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Margaret Bradford posted a picture
Happy Days with Lorna.

Happy Days with Lorna.

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Margaret Bradford donated in memory of Lorna
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Margaret Bradford wrote

My lovely Mother-in-Law Lorna I will always remember how healthy you always looked with your lovely, tanned skin you really loved the sun and how we would laugh when you saw creepy crawlies, you were so scared. We had lots of fun times, and I will never forget you. You are at peace now with John.

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Paul Bradford lit a candle
Paul Bradford posted a picture
Lorna & John

Lorna & John

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Paul Bradford wrote

Dear Mum, you really were the best Mum, loving, caring and compassionate. I cherish all the wonderful times we had together, I miss you dearly and always will.
I hope you are at peace now with Dad.
Love Paul

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Paul Bradford donated in memory of Lorna
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Paul Bradford posted a picture
Memory with Mum.

Memory with Mum.

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Jane Lesley Maunder wrote

Auntie Lorna , a beautiful lady , so happy and kind and always thinking of others . I will miss you dearly . Now with Uncle John . God bless auntie love from Jane , Kev and all the family .x

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