Karen Lesley Packard (4 Aug 1963 - 11 Nov 2024)

Donate in memory of
KarenThe Azaylia Foundation

£1,348.16 + Gift Aid of £0.00
In partnership with

Funeral Director

Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium Main Road Stragglethorpe NG12 2PY
22nd Nov 2024
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In loving memory of Karen Lesley Packard who sadly passed away on 11th November 2024.

"We will be celebrating Karen's life on Friday 22nd November 2024 at Rushcliffe Oaks, Main Rd, Stragglethorpe, Nottingham NG12 2PY at 2.30pm. Please arrive by 2.15pm.

Followed by the wake at The Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club, Cotgrave, Stragglethorpe, Nottingham NG12 3HB. Her wish was for us all to eat cheese sandwiches and have some drinks to celebrate her.

All are welcome. Mum requested no flowers please and if you wish, would prefer donations to The Azaylia Foundation which support children with cancer.

For those of you that can’t be with us on the day, the service will be live streamed at mum’s request" - please use the following details for the online streaming:




Penelope Packard donated £100 in memory of Karen


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Offline donation: Retiring Collection donated in memory of Karen
Jayne Crane wrote

To a lovely friend. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye. I shall treasure the chat we had before I flew off to Australia in early October. I was so pleased to receive the photos you sent me so I know your family were with you when you most needed them. God bless Karen, I shall never forget you.

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Jayne Crane donated £30 in memory of Karen

Karen and I became friends when we lived opposite each other on Dunster Road. Karen then found me on Facebook three years ago. Since then we met up every few weeks for coffee and a good natter. My heart goes out to all family and friends, we have lost a very special person. It has been a privilege getting to know her again after all these years.



  • Thank you Jayne xx

    Posted by Stephen on 11/12/2024 Report abuse
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STEPHEN WARING donated in memory of Karen
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Vicky Wright lit a candle
Vicky Wright donated in memory of Karen

My dearest friend ,we may not have seen each other as often as we would have liked but we texted regularly and having re read them I still laugh ...rest in peace beautiful ,and stay away from heavens gates as you'll probably trip or break them 🤣🤣

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Beth Corthorn donated in memory of Karen
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Paul Rowbotham posted a picture
Karen’s first ever day at the races earlier this year, lovely memory❤️

Karen’s first ever day at the races earlier this year, lovely memory❤️

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Paul Rowbotham lit a candle
Paul Rowbotham donated £50 in memory of Karen

Rest in peace my love, life will never be the same without you in it but you will forever be in my heart. ❤️

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Beth Mackay donated in memory of Karen
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Rachael Goodman donated in memory of Karen

Wiza Dora (Mum) and I have fond memories of happy times shared during Tom and my early childhood. Your warmth and kindness will be deeply missed.

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Miranda Speed donated in memory of Karen

I will miss you Karen. A wonderful and caring woman who was always willing to be there to help. RIP Karen I imagine you up there with wings.

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Matthew Hallam donated £50 in memory of Karen

May you rest in peace Karen.
Thank you for all your guidance, love and support throughout my early life. You were always so welcoming, so loving and caring.

Thank you for everything,

Your light and warmth will live on, through Tom and little Alfie.

All my love,


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Helen Barrowcliff wrote

Rest in peace Karen. I will miss our lovely chats and catch ups. Your dreams will come come true but not in the way you had hoped. Sending love to your family.

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Caitlin Bird lit a candle
Louise Wilson lit a candle
Ann Farnsworth lit a candle
Ann Farnsworth donated £10 in memory of Karen
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David Baker wrote

Karen (Kazza) you will be sorely missed, such a lovely and kind hearted lady Was a pleasure to work with you for so long, lots of laughs along the way. You will always remain a friend in my heart, rest in peace love David xxx

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Emma Woodward lit a candle
David Lynn donated in memory of Karen
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Julie Bray lit a candle
Wayne Gleeson posted a picture
Rest in peace our Kaz. Always one of the crew and always will be ❤️

Rest in peace our Kaz. Always one of the crew and always will be ❤️

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mandy parker wrote

Rip Karen an amazing lady always willing to do help others, I will miss our chats, gone but won’t be forgotten my thoughts are with the family xx

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Kathryn Kelly donated £20 in memory of Karen

In loving and happy memories of a wonderful lady. You will be greatly missed and remembered with love and respect. Sending condolences to the family.

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Stewart Powell donated in memory of Karen
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Verity Long donated in memory of Karen
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Verity Long lit a candle