Barbara Ann Dearsley (6 Jun 1944 - 8 Apr 2023)

Funeral Director

Honor Oak Crematorium Brockley Way London SE4 2LW
18th May 2023
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Surdoc Club Cope Street Surrey Quays SE16 2UJ
18th May 2023


In loving memory of Barbara Ann Dearsley who sadly passed away on 8th April 2023.

Barbara loved life and loved her husband, son and grandchildren with passion. She was a fighter till the very end.

All are welcome to celebrate her life, if you wish to send flowers please ensure they are at Albins by 10am on the day of the funeral.

Sally Donovan lit a candle
Penny Curtis wrote

RIP Barbara
We have good memories of you to keep.

From Norman and Ann, Eric and Sheila and Penny Salter.

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Norman Salter wrote

Darren. I remember bringing you as a young lad round to our house in
Penrose sreet. Barbara was always well turned out,she was good looking
Very smart, and had a wonderful nature.she adored you and brought you up
to be the man you are. She is a great loss. My very best wishes.

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Keeley Brown lit a candle
Charlotte Dearsley lit a candle
SEAN FAHEY lit a candle
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